Remarks: Female head antefix with shell frame. Deeply curved shell of slightly convex tongues with raised borders. MPH lowermost tongue 5.8, W 2.8, + border 3.7. Th 3.7. H central tongue 6.6, W 3.4, + border 4.2. H rounded moulding 1.4. H recessed flat band 1.4. Diam volute eye 2.3. H rounded moulding below head 0.9. Cover tile on back: space behind head hollowed out, with build-up of clay above for transition to cover tile. Black paint around tall horseshoe-shaped tile. Bottom of plaque inside cover tile has beveled edge, H 2. Back of plaque slightly curved and smooth, covered with cream slip. Bought from P. Arndt.
Bibliography: Barletta 1996, p. 21, fig. 13
Publication record: The Campanian tradition in Archaic architecture. Author: Barletta, B.A.. Journal and volume number: MAAR 41. Publication Date: 1996. Pages: 1-67
Type of decoration: Female head
Last Recorded Collection: Szépmüveszeti Muzeum
Mouldmade: yes
Height: 31.6
Width: 35.2
Clay: 7.5YR 5/6
Paint: Cream slip on surface 10YR 8/2. Red outline of alternating tongues (1st, 3rd, etc.) outline stripes on recessed flat band and volutes, 4 wavy bands (bottommost with pendants) indicating necklace(?) above horizontal stripe above horizontal meander on chiton, with red geometric design on rounded moulding, 2 wide diagonal bands at outer ends, on base, hound's-tooth (top row: black/white/red/white/black/ white/red, lower row: red/white/black/white/red/white) 10R 4/3. Black outline of alternating tongues (2nd, 4th, etc.), wide diagonal bands on rounded moulding at both sides, dots on volute eyes, hair, dots between 1st and 2nd wavy band of necklace, meander, central diagonal band on lower rounded moulding. Red and black are painted over white slip.
Condition: Complete example except for lower left corner of base.