Remarks: Floral revetment plaque with lesbian cymation and roll. H cavetto with lesbian cyma 5.7, D top 6.8, bottom 2.5, + relief 2.6. H roll 2.3, D 3. Fascia Th 2.5. Nail hole at bottom of cavetto, Diam 1.3. Finished right edge.
Bibliography: De Lucia Brolli 1991a, p. 71, Vetrina 24
Publication record: L'Agro falisco. Author: De Lucia Brolli, M.A.. Place of publication: Roma. Publication Date: 1991
Type of decoration: Lesbian cyma & roll
Last Recorded Collection: Museo Archeologico di Agro Falisco
Mouldmade: yes
Height: 12.2
Width: 20.2
MPD: 6.8
Paint: Red top fascia, ground below white calyx leaves, diagonal bands. Roll red/white diagonal bands. Fascia with black ground. Gray ground above white leaves. Gold triangular leaf 2.5Y 5/6.