Remarks: Small building model with representation of tiled roof with 4 rows of pan tiles, 2 deep, on each side. Gentle slope. 5 ridge tiles. Door H 6.5, W 7. Th floor .8, wall .9. W pan tile 1.8-2.5, D 2 top row, 3.2 bottom. W cover tile .6, D 2.8 top row, 2.6. Ridge tile W .8, L 2-2.6. "Simas" at both short ends H 1.2. Roof overhang .6.
Bibliography: Staccioli 1968, pp. 45-46, no. 36, pls. XLI.2, XLIII
Publication record: Modelli di edifici etrusco-italici I: I modelli votivi. Author: Staccioli, R.A.. Place of publication: Firenze. Publication Date: 1968
Type of decoration: Small building model
Last Recorded Collection: Museo Nazionale Etrusco di Villa Giulia