Remarks: Fragment of pedimental sculptural group of Theban cycle, preserving Amphiaraus. Right half of group: Moment represented after Zeus's thunderbolt has opened a chasm before Amphiaraus's chariot. 4 horses tumbling into abyss. Female daemons, or Furies in short tunics with bare breasts. Amphiaraus on chariot, looking into abyss, wearing Corinthian helmet, short chiton, and Hellenistic cuirass, mantle tied around waist. Behind, charioteer Baton. In middle of pediment, tall winged genius. Left half: another chariot, Furies, warriors in combat. Probably Adrastus or Periclymenus. Pictoral character, probably inspired by a painting. Low relief (base only 10-15 deep).
Bibliography: Andrén 1940, pp. 228-231, no. 1, Pl. 82:285; Restauri Archeologici 1969, Figure A: Semi-nude male with chlamys, Pl. XLIV, Figure B: Horse head from quadriga of Amphiaraus, Figure C, Pl. XLV Nude warrior on knees; Von Vacano & von Freytag 1982, pp. 177-257; von Vacano 1985; Torelli 1993a, figs. 19-20
Publication record: Architectural terracottas from Etrusco-Italic Temples. Author: Andrén, A.. Place of publication: Lund/Leipzig. Publication Date: 1939-1940 Fictiles fabulae. Rappresentazione e romanizzazione nei cicli figurativi fittili repubblicani. Author: Torelli, M.. Journal and volume number: Ostraka 2. Publication Date: 1993. Pages: 269-300 Gli Etruschi a Talamone. Author: von Vacano, O.W.. Place of publication: Bologna. Publication Date: 1985 Il frontone di Talamone e il mito dei "sette a Tebe". Author: Von Vacano, O.W. & B. von Freytag gen. Löringhoff. Journal and volume number: Talamone, Studi e materiali, vol. 5 n.s. 1982. Place of publication: Firenze. Publication Date: 1982. Pages: 177-257 Restauri Archeologici. Mostra di restauri sulle opere d'arte del Museo Archeologico di Firenze danneggiata dall'alluvione del 4 novembre 1966. Place of publication: Firenze. Publication Date: 1969
Type of decoration: Theban cycle: Amphiaraus scene