Building or zone: Small building next to Temple B and contemporary
Position: From slopes; apex pieces
Roof element: Revetment plaques, floral
Remarks: Revetment plaque decorated with strigils/painted diamonds/floral. D strigil top 4.3, center 2, ridge 2.4. D roll 2.5. D flat fascia 2. D roll 2.7. Moulded relief with cutout bottom edge. Pendent lotus and palmette, lotus with tendrils above encircled by long arching band ending in volutes above palmette.
Type of decoration: Strigils/painted diamonds/ floral
Last Recorded Collection: Antiquarium di Pyrgi
Mouldmade: yes
Height: 32
Width: 32.5
Clay: 5Y 7/2, also redder version 7.5YR 6/6
Paint: Red-brown 5YR 5/3. Strigils outlined in black with red central vertical stripe. Roll with diagonal bands red/white/black. Fascia with painted diamonds in black with solid red small diamond center and black bands above and below. Roll with diagonal bands in black/white/red. Black ground above lotus spirals, cream below. Palmette leaves encircled with red band, with alternating red/black centers and small pomegranates painted with stems coming from between palmette leaves. Lotus outlined in red with red calyx center and black heart between leaves.