Remarks: Upper torso, neck & left shoulder of draped female wearing red chiton, brown himation with black edge (over left breast) with 2 wavy strands of hair on right shoulder & 1 on left side. Handmade. Finished edge on left, along outer hair strand. Scar along left shoulder as if broken from another element. Head turned towards left shoulder, figure's body facing slightly towards its right. Back surface finished with raised ridge, lumpy surface at upper left, behind shoulder, & smooth lower right. Scar of detached element from right side of neck obliquely to lower left. W neck 4.2
Bibliography: Turfa 2005, pp. 256-257, no. 287 (dated early 5th? cent. B.C.)
Publication record: Catalogue of the Etruscan Gallery of the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology. Author: Turfa, J.M.. Place of publication: Philadelphia. Publication Date: 2005
Type of decoration: Draped female
Last Recorded Collection: University Museum
Mouldmade: no
Height: 13
Width: 17.8
MPD: 5.6
Clay: 10YR 7/3-6/4
Paint: Dark red 10R 4/3 chiton, necklace band with round pendants. Brown himation 5R 4/4