Comparanda: Equal to smaller version of 83.AD.211.5
Remarks: Silen head antefix with shell frame. On back, area of head deeply hollowed with finger striations. Below, scar of small rounded cover tile. Said to have been in Collection Virgi 1947-1968, then London art market 1982. Listed in "Acquisitions 1983" of Getty Museum Journal 12 (1984), p. 255.
Type of decoration: Silen head wearing wreath
Last Recorded Collection: J. Paul Getty Museum
Mouldmade: yes
Height: 20.1
Width: 14.8
MPD: 6.3
Clay: 7.5YR 7/4
Paint: White slip 10YR 8/3. Black/charcoal hair, beard, 3 squares and base line of base 7.5R /N4. Gray wreath 10YR 6/1 (originally blue?). Red skin, chiton top, upper 2 squares on base 7.5R 5/4.