CAVI Lemma: Fr. of large unglazed storage amphora. From Athens. Unattributed. Second
quarter fifth (Lang). 490-450 (context). Close to 450.
CAVI Subject: Undecorated.
CAVI Inscriptions: On the outside of the wall, written on the sherd, Gr.: Μενεδεμος Χαριας
Ξανθες Αμφιβολος Προταρχος Πενταριστε Καλ[λ]ιστρατε
CAVI Comments: Found with 15,208, q.v. - Mixed alphabet: Ionic letters are xi and lambda.
Despite that, the letter forms are more old-fashioned than P 15,208 and not by
the same hand. Both graffiti ought to be erotic. Cartwheel theta intended.-
V.&S. state that Xanthes is unknown in Attica [but see now LGPN ii] except for
IG i/2. 377,3, where the person is thought to be a Delian; the name is also
found on coins of Klazomenai; see Collitz, SGDI 5, 610,8. Amphiboulos appears in
Eretria in the 4th C.; IG XII,9, 249,b,97. It is uncertain wether we have here
this name [so LGPN ii] or the unattested Amphibolos. - Lang and V.&S. give a
parallel for Pentariste: AJA 51 (1947) 368 (grave stone published by D.M.
Robinson). But see now LGPN ii under Παντ- and Πενταριστη.
CAVI Number: 0497
AVI Bibliography: Vanderpool and Stamires ms. — Lang (1976), D 39, pl. 9 (dr.). — AttScr
(1990), no. 730.
CAVI / AVI Data from Henry Immerwahr's Corpus of Attic Vase Inscriptions (CAVI), updated by Rudoph Wachter's Attic Vase Inscriptions (AVI)