Remarks: Temple model. Temple with deep porch, 2 columns, roof with deep overhang at front. Flat pan tiles and curved cover tiles with round antefixes, shown in rows without individual tiles indicated. Large round ridge tile row. Restorartion probably incorrect and overhang less exaggerated. Door, H 22.5, RW 13.3, pink inside edge. Th plinth 1.4, H walls of cella 22.2, W cella 50.5 at anta bases 55.5, D cella 23.7 and anta base 24.6. Diam column base 5.9, D porch (plinth) 19.5. Roof: L slope 13.5-13.7. Roof differently oriented from plinth. W pan tiles 3.1-3.5 at back row 4.5. Minimum of 9 rows. W cover tiles 0.6-0.8. Overhang at side 2-2.5. Probably 10 originally. W ridge tiles 1.5.
Bibliography: Helbig4 III, pp. 749-750, no. 2853; Staccioli 1968, pp. 47-48, no. 38, pl. XLV
Publication record: Führer durch die öffentlichen Sammlungen klassischer Altertümer in Rome, Bd. 1-4. 4., völlig neu bearb. Aufl. Hrsg. Von H. Speier. Author: Helbig, W.. Place of publication: Tübingen. Publication Date: 1963-1972 Modelli di edifici etrusco-italici I: I modelli votivi. Author: Staccioli, R.A.. Place of publication: Firenze. Publication Date: 1968
Type of decoration: Temple model
Last Recorded Collection: Museo Nazionale Etrusco di Villa Giulia