CAVI Lemma: Plain hydria. From Athens. Unattributed. Late sixth (Lang). 520-480
CAVI Subject: Undecorated.
CAVI Inscriptions: Around the top of the rim, Gr.: Τιτας Ολυ[ν]πιον̣[ι]κ̣ος καταπυγον̣.
CAVI Comments: For the accuracy of Lang (1976), pl. 4, see Immerwahr (1982), 61, n. 13. The
letters ν̣[ι]κ̣ are quite uncertain. Vox suggests τιτας Ολυ[ν]πιοδ̣[ο]ρ̣ος
καταπυγον and interprets τιτας as `paederast'. But the word order would be odd.
See further, Immerwahr (1982). Threatte (1996), 15, after examination of the
vase, inclines to Lang's reading; he says that the dr. in Lang (1976) is
completely misleading although the Agora file card has an accurate dr.; see
further for discussion of the individual letters. On pp. 67-68, T. discusses the
name Τιτας which need not be Athenian; the gen. Τιτα is found in two Sicilian
CAVI Number: 0647
AVI Bibliography: H.A. Thompson (1956), 63-64 and n. 62, pls. 22,c and 22,f. (photo of
inscription). — Sparkes–Talcott (1970), under no. 1594. — Lang (1976), C 5, pl.
4 (dr.). — SEG 26 (1976–7), no. 63. — Vox (1977), 118. — Immerwahr (1982),
61-62. — AttScr (1990), no. 483. — Threatte (1996), 15 and 67.
CAVI / AVI Data from Henry Immerwahr's Corpus of Attic Vase Inscriptions (CAVI), updated by Rudoph Wachter's Attic Vase Inscriptions (AVI)