Remarks: Acheloos head antefix with shell of bow-volutes. W bow-volute 7, H 5.6, Th 2. Vertical ridge on back of plaque above cover tile, W 4.5.
Bibliography: Bruni 1985
Publication record: Antefisse inedite da Populonia (Piombino, Livorno). Author: Bruni, S.. Journal and volume number: Rassegna di Archeologia 5. Publication Date: 1985. Pages: 119-130
Type of decoration: Acheloos head/bow-volutes
Last Recorded Collection: Museo Archeologico
Mouldmade: yes
Height: 21.3
Width: 27.1
MPD: 11.5
Clay: 10YR 7/4
Paint: Dark brown on skin, ears, lips, encircling band, frame, including bow-volute, base 5 YR 4/4. Black hair, eyes, moustache, beard, central leaf on outer shell scallops, line on outer edge of scallops, stripe across bottom of base.