Remarks: Fragment of lateral acroterion of palmette(?)/wing(?). Large fragment of curving spines, more sharply curved to right of fragment. Between ridges, concave leaves/ feathers, painted alternating with black outline and red central stripe (broader at top) or red outline and black central stripe on light brown ground. Flat back with traces of red-brown curving bands (palmette leaves?).
Type of decoration: Palmette(?)/ wing(?)
Last Recorded Collection: Museo Nazionale Etrusco di Villa Giulia
Height: 16.2
Width: 13.5
MPD: 3.2
Clay: 7.5YR 7/4(?)
Paint: Slip 10YR 8/3. Red 7.5R 4/4. Leaves/ feathers painted alternating with black outline and red central stripe (broader at top) or red outline and black central stripe on light brown ground.