Comparanda: Satricum. Also 2 replicas in Municipio of Santa Maria a Capua Vetere; Berlin TC 7159, London GR 1877,8-2.3 (B593), B594, B604; Rome, Museo Artistico Industriale; Paris Cp5950, S1094; Cairo 26668
Remarks: Female head antefix with strigil shell frame. Center of strigil shell antefix preserving edge of strigils, outer roll, flat band with volute on right side, head, part of base. Paint well-preserved. No strut. All proveniences are unsubstantiated in Louvre, except for recent attributions to Tuscania.
Paint: Surface cream slip 10YR 8/2. Black diagonal bands on roll, hair, eyebrows, lids, pupil, volute eye, chiton raised edge, base hook meander. Purple-red: diagonal bands on roll, inner line on flat band and horizontal striations near bottom, outline of volute, outline of ear and dot earring, necklace, chiton decoration, XXXs on flat narrow band above base, meander on base 5R 4/3 -3/3. Black paint around edge of cover tile. Cream slip on back of plaque.