Remarks: Hollow, handmade statue of nude female(?) with head turned to her right, spiral curls over forehead, 6 long locks of hair over chest & along inner right arm, and arms bent at elbows and reaching towards her right. RL forearm 15, Diam 4.5, H ear 4.2. Nipple visible. Large hole in chest (Diam 3.2) for attachment, and holes in ears (vents?). Red drapery over left forearm. Back roughly finished, detached from another element. Assigned to left mutulus plaque with 2 horses, facing left.
Bibliography: Pyrgi 1970, p. 302, No. 1, figs. 225-226; Proietti 1980, p. 146, fig. 182; Colonna 2000, pp. 286-288, fig. 25
Publication record: Il Museo Nazionale Etrusco di Villa Giulia. Author: Proietti, G.. Place of publication: Roma. Publication Date: 1980 Il santuario di Pyrgi dalle origini mitistoriche agli altorilievi frontonali dei Sette e di Leucotea. Author: Colonna, G.. Journal and volume number: ScAnt 10. Publication Date: 2000. Pages: 251-336 Pyrgi. Scavi nel santuario etrusco (1959-1967). Journal and volume number: NSc II. Supplemento al vol. XXIV. Publication Date: 1970
Associated elements: Other fragments: 33654, 33655, 33659, 33661, 33671, 33677, 33689, 34460. Second example: 32573 + 32627 + 32178
Type of decoration: Nude female (?)
Last Recorded Collection: Museo Nazionale Etrusco di Villa Giulia
Mouldmade: no
Height: 34.2
Width: 27.2
MPD: 15
Clay: Buff
Paint: Light brown skin 10YR 6/4, black hair, red lips & drapery
Condition: Restored from ca. 20 fragments; preserves upper body & head