Decoration: Body: CHARIOT Shoulder: HORSE RACE, TERMA
Last Recorded Collection: Jerusalem, Israel Museum: 74.9.8
Previous Collections:
London, market, Sotheby's
Publication Record: Jan Mitchell Gift to the Israel Museum, I, Archaeology, Past and Present (Jerusalem, 1974): 37, NO.8 Maul-Mandelartz, E., Griechische Reiterdarstellungen in agonistischem Zusammenhang (Frankfurt, 1990): PL.21, NO.V6 PHOTOGRAPH(S) IN THE BEAZLEY ARCHIVE: 2 (BD, DRAWING OF SH) Sotheby, sale catalogue: 12.6.1967, NO.146 Sotheby, sale catalogue: 3.12.1973, PL.30, NO.129
CAVI Footnotes: {1} see the rendering in Sotheby as reproduced in Johnston (1979), 177. But
Johnston on p. 59 n. 14 says he read a phi rather than the theta given in the
Sotheby cat. He thinks the letters may refer to the action and compares the owl
hoots on the RF amphora AJA 31 (1927) 348 [= Kyoto, Hashimoto collection 8,
CAVI Comments: Cartwheel theta{1}.
CAVI Number: 4029
AVI Bibliography: Sotheby (1973), 129. — Johnston (1979), 177/suppl. list 1, 21; 59 n. 14.
CAVI / AVI Data from Henry Immerwahr's Corpus of Attic Vase Inscriptions (CAVI), updated by Rudoph Wachter's Attic Vase Inscriptions (AVI)