Comparanda: Capua, Museo Campana, nos. P215-217, 249
Remarks: Mouldmade antefix plaque with strigil shell frame surrounding female head with wavy strands of hair over forehead & alongside face, curving around volute. Recessed base painted with 3-row checkerboard. Back curved forward; cover tile attached to bottom with red paint around attachment surface
Bibliography: Koch 1912, p. 40 Type III, Pl. VII.5; Winter 1978, pp. 40-41, pl. 18.2; Winter 1986, p. 179, fig. 5
Publication record: Archaic architectural terracottas decorated with human heads. Author: Winter, N.A.. Journal and volume number: RM 85. Publication Date: 1978. Pages: 27-58 Dachterrakotten aus Campanien. Author: Koch, H.. Place of publication: Berlin. Publication Date: 1912 Etruscans at Capua: Reflections of history in artistic production. Author: Winter, N.A.. Journal and volume number: Italian Iron Age artefacts in the British Museum. Place of publication: London. Publication Date: 1986. Pages: 179-184
Type of decoration: Strigil shell/female head in relief/painted checkerboard
Last Recorded Collection: Antikensammlung
Mouldmade: yes
Height: 38.9
Width: 33.5
MPD: 11.8
Clay: 5YR 6/6 with gray core
Paint: Cream surface 10YR 6/3. Red 10R 4/4 2nd, 4th etc. inner outline of tongues, alternate diagonal bands on torus, ear outline & dot earring, inner necklace wavy band, chiton folds, upper band & squares on base checkerboard. Dark purple 5R 3/2 alternate 1st, 3rd etc. inner outline of tongues, alternate (central) diagonal bands, hair, volute eye, lowermost rows of squares on checkerboard. Black central row of squares on checkerboard
Condition: Complete plaque; chips from shell edge & nose