Remarks: Silen head antefix surrounded by shell frame with rosettes and grape clusters, with well preserved paint.
Bibliography: Pensabene & Sanzi Di Mino 1983, p. 78, no. 58, pls. F, XVIII
Publication record: Museo Nazionale Romano, Le terrecotte II.1: Antefisse. Author: Pensabene, P. & M. Sanzi di Mino. Place of publication: Roma. Publication Date: 1983
Type of decoration: Silen head surrounded by shell frame with rosettes and grape clusters
Last Recorded Collection: Museo Nazionale Romano
Mouldmade: yes
Height: 26.1
Width: 25.4
MPD: 27.4
Clay: 10YR 7/4
Paint: Red skin 7.5R 4/6. Black berries. Dark red beard 7.5R 4/4.