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Temple of Zeus at Olympia

Photo of Temp of Zeus site
  • Temple of Zeus. Photo: Ektodike Athenon SA 1987

The Doric Temple of Zeus at the national sactuary of Olympia was built between about 470 and 457 BC. The east pediment showed the preparations for the chariot race of Pelops and Oinomaos (related to the early history of the site), and the west the fight of Centaurs and Lapiths at the wedding of Peirithoos.

Temp of Zeus Ground Plan
  • Groundplan of Temple of Zeus. Drawing, after A.F.Stewart, Greek Sculpture

There were metopes over each inner porch showing the Twelve Labours of Herakles. The sculpture is typical of the Early Classical period, but the lost gold and ivory cult statue of Zeus inside the temple was later; the work of Pheidias.

Look at casts from the Temple of Zeus
More about the east pediment | west pediment | metopes

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