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The Temple of Apollo at Eretria

Aerial view of Temple site

Apollo Daphnephoros at Eretria (in the south on the island of Euboea) The first temple, an apsidal 'hekatompedon', was constructed in the 8th century B.C. and is roughly contemporary with a much smaller apsidal building to the south, the so-called 'Daphnephoreion' which is connected with the early cult of Apollo at Delphi. Early in the 6th century B.C. a peripteral Ionic temple was erected on the ruins of the Geometric one. A new peripteral temple, having six Doric columns on the narrow sides and fourteen on the long ones, was built at the end of the 6th century B.C. This temple was destroyed during the Persian invasion in 490 B.C., and its ruins are the ones visible today.

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