14. Wingless sphinx
This is the more purely egyptianizing type. Almost all are recumbent.
14/1 Tharros pl. 55h (BM ANE 133238), London no. 378, pl. 7. Hölbl, Sard no. 208; RSF 21 (1993) Suppl. pl. 7.6. BH;EXnb. Double crown and pectoral; a monkey squats on back; pillar incense-burner with lid in front. I
14/2 Talbot Coll., from Tharros. Marmora, pl. A 20; Hölbl, Sard no. 234. BL; EXV. Disc crown; uraeus before and above; lotus staff beyond. II
14/3 Busacchi Coll., from Tharros. Ebers, pl. F 23; Hölbl, Sard no. 213. BH. Seated sphinx, with apron, head turned back; on near side Horus, double crowned, apparently kneeling; lotus flower below.
14/4 Paris, Bibl.Nat., de Clercq no. 2589, pl. 17, from Marathus. Studies Quaegebeur (1998) 639, pl. 3.2 (Gubel). Scaraboid; BL;EXO. Seated, aproned, ankh behind. Probably Egyptian.
14/5 Paris, Bibl.Nat., de Clercq no. 2593, pl. 17, from Tortosa. BL;EXO with zigzag (water). Ankh in front, and ? III
14/6 Geneva I, no. 150, pl. 61. BL. With uraeus behind and ankh in front; inscribed below abda. III
Other materials
14/X1 Cagliari 9450, from Tharros. Chalcedony. Ebers, pl. H 86; Hölbl, Sard no. 207, pl. 155.2. BL;EXCR; on gold hoop A. Double crown; disc-crowned uraeus in front; above, plain cartouche and Phoenician inscription, a name.
14/X2 Madrid, from Ibiza? Almagro-Gorbea, no. 265; Stud.Phoen. 9 (1992) pl. 2.6 (Gubel). White chalcedony. BL;EXCR. Recumbent, double-crowned, with one forepaw (human) raised in adoration behind a uraeus; on its back a hawk with crook and flail.
14/X3 London no. 288, pl. 6. Cornelian. BL. Double-crowned with uraeus in front, cartouche behind, winged disc above; in lower register lotuses and buds.
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14/X4 London no. 379, pl. 7. Hölbl, Sard no. 209. Cornelian. BH; on gold hoop B. Double crown; hs vase before it; above, uzat and disc-and-crescent; over a lotus and buds.
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