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44. Various


44/1 Albacete Mus. 7418, from Los Villares de Hoya Gonzalo, in a tomb with Attic 4th-century vases. Padro, New 35.01. Jaramago, Miguel (1996): "El escarabeo de los Villares (Hoya Gonzalo, Albacete)", Boletín de la Asociación Española de Orientalistas 26: 191-204.'Black'. A figure leaping forward with arms raised, a very large head; before it a lion moving away; star above. See the next.

>Gem image (half missing)

44/1 Albacete Mus. 7418, from Los Villares de Hoya Gonzalo, in a tomb with Attic 4th-century vases. Padro, New 35.01. 'Black'. A figure leaping forward with arms raised, a very large head; before it a lion moving away; star above. See the next.

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44/2 Cartagena Mus., from Cartagena. Padro, New 36.02. 'Black'; in silver hoop B. A poorly cut skirted figure, walking, holding a bow? and cup? An 'unorthodox Herakles'? This and the last may have been recut locally.

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44/4 Tharros pl. 57c (BM ANE 133941), London no. 383, pl. 7; LRings no. 286. Hölbl, Sard no. 247. BH; in gold mount with wavy wire sides and hoop A. A tall gable-topped structure with a cock on it; flanked by two male figures; papyrus stalk at each side; all on a cavetto base. Tharros 101 on the possible relationship of the structure to Punic rather than eastern tomb monuments. I

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44/5 Cagliari 91830, from Tharros. ArchEsp 56 (1983) 235-238 (Acquaro). BH. A pot (crater) with two vertical handles and decorated shoulder; two profile satyr heads above, and disc-and-crescent.

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44/6 Cagliari 9484, from Tharros. BH. A figure wearing a long striated skirt holding two tendrils in each raised hand, one pair ending in large discs (flowers?). IV

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44/7 Cagliari 19861, from Tharros. AG pl. 15.63. BH. A skirted figure holding a long flower stem, with side shoots; behind, four flowers attached to the border. IV

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44/8 From Utica. BullArch 1926, 227, T.16. 'Naked running man seizing a bull'.

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