11. Isis with Horus
Isis is always crowned with a disc, sometimes also horns. The suckling motif is not always explicit but no doubt implied.
A. Isis faces Horus, both standing.
11/1 Ibiza no. 8. BL;EXCR. Horus with double crown; flanked by incense-burner and figure with hawk head and disc crown; winged disc above. II/VI
No image available
11/2 Ibiza no. 49 (Ibiza 05). BH;EXnb. Horus with double crown; incense-burner. IV
11/4 Ibiza no. 51 (Barcelona 9386). BL;EXnb. Horus with atef crown; flower behind. IV
11/5 Tharros pl. 56b (BM ANE 133634), London no. 352, pl. 6. Hölbl, Sard no. 77. BH;EXnb. Horus with disc crown; in a papyrus thicket. V
11/6 Cagliari 15006, from Caralis. Parrot, et al., 232, fig. 260; Hölbl, Sard no. 78 (?= 78bis), fig. BL;EXCR. 'Isis' shoulders axe; Horus with red crown, flail and ankh; crescent above; blank cartouche at each side. III
11/8 Cagliari 19748, from Tharros. Hölbl, Sard no. 82bis. BL. Horus with double crown and flail; adorants at each side, one with hawk-head, disc-crowned, the other with pointed cap, both holding jugs; disc-and-crescent and winged disc above; all on a low cavetto base. VI
11/9 Cagliari 35107 (Gouin). Marmora, pl. A 50; Hölbl, Sard no. 82. BL;EXnb; on gold hoop C. Attendant and incense-burner at side; star above. II/VI
11/10 Cagliari 346, from Tharros. BH;EXnb; on gold hoop B. Horus with red crown; incense-burner and papyrus column. II/VI.
11/11 Chessa Coll. from Tharros. RSF 21 (1993) pl. 8.2 (Garbini); Hölbl, Sard no. 80. BH;EXnb. Horus with disc crown; in papyrus thicket.
No image available
11/12 Palermo 18048, from Palermo. ArchClass 20 (1968) pl. 129.3; RSF 14 (1986) pl. 25.1 (Verga). EXnb; in silver mount. Horus with red crown; incense-burner; figure in white crown? behind; winged disc above.
No image available
11/13 Palermo, from Palermo, T.248. ArchClass 20 (1968) pl. 131.1,2; RSF 14 (1986) pl. 25.2 (Verga). BL;EXCR; scarab with spine. Horus with disc crown; incense-burner; attendant behind; above, disc-and-crescent and winged disc. II
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11/14 Kerkouan Museum. REPPAL 9 (1995) pl. 6.15. BH;EXV. Horus with double crown; incense-burner behind him.
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11/15 Jerusalem, Rockefeller IAA 32.412, from Atlit. QDAP 2 (1933) no. 412; CSAPI no. 3. BL;EXCR. In a papyrus thicket. VI
11/16 Oxford III, no. 16, from Al Mina (Level 4; 1937.778). Nunn no. 3. BL;EXCR. A hawk-headed attendant watches. VI
No image available
11/17 Paris, Bibl.Nat., de Clercq no. 2735, pl. 18. BL;EXCR. Standing on a boat with disc-crowned floral terminals; winged disc above. II/VI
11/18 Paris, Louvre Bj. 1205. BL;EXCR; on gold hoop. Horus with uraei-disc crown; behind him an attendant; disc-and-crescent above. II
11/19 Geneva I, no. 155, pl. 63. BL;EXCR. Ibis-headed figure behind Isis; Horus suckles; incense-burner behind him; disc-and-crescent and winged disc above. II/VI
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11/20 New York, Rosen 204. BL;EXCR. Isis holds flower; Horus faces away; incense-burner. III
11/20A London, V&A 409-1871; Oman no. 9. BL.EXCR; on gold hoop A. Two figures, one with double crown and flail. II/VI
B. Isis faces Horus or other figures.
She is winged, one wing up, one down, and Horus, hawk-headed stands back from her or is squatting in the usual pose. No suckling. Some of the nondescript figures are probably meant for Horus. Included are other figures, identifiable or not, with her.
11/21 Ibiza no. 43 (Ibiza 3811). BL;EXnb;PB. Isis holds flowers; Horus stands with disc crown. V
11/23 Ibiza no. 41 (Madrid 36543). BL;EXnb; on silver hoop C. Two figures of Isis, holding flowers; between them Horus squatting on lotus; winged disc above. V
11/24 Ibiza no. 45 (Ibiza 4199). BL;EXnb; PB. Isis holds flowers; Horus squatting on lotus. IV
11/25 Ibiza no. 48. BH;EXCR. Isis holds flowers; incense-burner. IV
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11/26 Barcelona, from Ampurias. EXCR. Isis holds flowers; Horus double-crowned, squatting on a lotus.
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11/27 S. Carta Coll., from Tharros. Marmora, pl. A 42; Hölbl, Sard no. 48. BL. On a boat with female head finials, double-crowned. The goddess holds a flower facing a kneeling adorant on a base and a standing bearded adorant, holding three cups, red-crowned; two disc-and-crescents above and a winged disc. II/VI
11/28 Cagliari 9610, from Tharros. BL;EXCR. Holds flowers, facing a standing figure in pointed cap; crescent above. II
11/29 Cagliari 19750, from Tharros. ?=Spano Coll., Marmora, pl. A 38 (which adds a star); Hölbl, Sard no. 43. BL;EXCR; in gold hoop B. As the last. II
11/30 S. Carta Coll., from Tharros. Marmora, pl. A 39; Hölbl, Sard no. 44. BL;EXX. Holds a feather, faces a small figure, hand to mouth (Horus) facing away.
11/31 Cagliari 19752, from Tharros. BL;EXCR. Faces a disc-crowned figure, facing away, towards an incense-burner; rectangular cartouche above. II
11/32 Spano Coll., from Tharros. Marmora pl. A 43; Hölbl, Sard no. 29. BL;EXCR. Holds feathers (?); faces Horus squatting on lotus with buds, double-crowned. II/VI
11/33 Cagliari 19751, from Tharros. BL;EXV. Holds feather and flower; faces a kneeling adorant, disc-crowned; star above. II/VI
11/34 Sassari 2878, Chessa Coll. Ebers, pl. F 1; RendVat 51/2 (1982) 302, fig. 11 (Moscati); Hölbl, Sard no. 30. BL;EXCR. Holds flowers, facing Horus squatting on lotus with buds, disc-crowned; disc-and-crescent and star (?) above. II
11/35 Oristano market. Hölbl, Sard no. 30bis. Similar to last, with cartouche above.
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11/36 From Monte Sirai, tomb 11. Saggi Fenici 1 (1975) pl. 7.10 (Bondi); Hölbl, Sard no. 31; Studia Punica 10 (1996) fig. 8.10 (Moscati). BL;EXCR. Facing a disc-crowned figure; ? between, and a flower. II/VI
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11/37 Tharros pl. 56g (BM ANE 134141), London no. 355, pl. 6. Hölbl, Sard no. 46. BL;EXCR. Disc-and-crescent above. V
11/38 Chessa Coll., from Tharros. Hölbl, Sard no. 47. Horus with atef crown; disc-and-crescent above.
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11/39 Oxford III, no. 483 (1889.883), from Tharros. BL;EXCR. Horus disc-crowned; winged disc above. II/VI
11/41 New York, Rosen 196, from Tunisia. BH. Isis holds flowers; Horus squatting on lotus with buds, looking away from her. II/VI
11/42 Oxford III, no. 558 (1889.414), bought in Cyprus. Reyes, no. 115. BL;EXCR. Isis with one lowered wing. II
11/43 Nicosia D 192. BL;EXnb. Reyes, no. 118. Isis behind Horus, holding staff; disc-and-crescent above. II/VI
11/44 Paris, Bibl.Nat., de Clercq no. 2742, pl. 18. BL;EXCR. Horus faces away to incense-burner; disc-and-crescent and star above. II/VI
11/45 Byblos II, no. 16930, pl. 201. OrAnt 9 (1970) 345, fig. 1.6 (Ward); Biblo pl. 5.6 (Gubel); Nunn, no. 2. BL;EXnb. Horus disc-crowned. II/VI
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11/46 Copenhagen NM 1114, acquired in Beirut. BL;EXCR;PB. II
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11/47 Péronne, Danicourt Coll. RA 1971, 197, fig.3 (Boardman). BL;EXCR. Horus disc-crowned. II/VI
11/48 Bonn, Müller Coll. BK;EXCR. Horus disc-crowned. II/VI
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11/50 Copenhagen, NM. BL. Horus squatting on lotus; incense-burner behind. VI
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11/51 Hanover no. 16. Zazoff, pl. 20.3. Nunn no. 12. BL;EXCR. Horus disc-crowned; in a naiskos with triple disc-topped pillars, winged disc and disc with uraei as lintel; winged disc above.
11/52 Koch Collection. A.B. Chadour, Rings 1 (1994) no. 34. BL;EXV. Faced by kneeling disc-crowned figure with raised hands.
No image available
C. Isis faces Horus, protecting him with a lowered wing, both standing.
11/53 Ibiza no. 46 (Madrid 36981). BH;EXCR;PB. BH;EXCR. Horus with double crown; incense-burner. V
11/55 Cagliari 19747, from Tharros. BH;EXnb. Horus with atef crown, crook and flail; uraei at each side. II/VI
11/56 Cagliari 19753, from Tharros. The Phoenicians no. 660; Along the Routes 73. BL;EXnb; on gold hoop B. Horus with flail and crook and small disc crown (?); Isis not crowned, holds ?; incense-burner. VI
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11/57 Cagliari 19742, from Tharros. BH;EXnb; on heavy gold mount with filigree and hoop C. Horus with red crown, flail and crook; lotus behind Isis. III
11/58 Cagliari 19743, from Tharros. BH;EXnb; on gold hoop B. Horus with red crown, crook and flail. III
11/59 Cagliari 19746, from Tharros. BH;EXO. Horus with red crown, crook and flail. III
11/60 Cagliari 35118 (Gouin). Hölbl, Sard no. 75. BL;EXCR. Horus with red crown, crook and flail. III
11/61 Cagliari 11, from Tharros. BL;EXnb. Horus with disc crown with horns and crook; incense-burner. II/VI
11/62 Carta Coll., from Tharros. Marmora, pl. A 31; Hölbl, Sard no. 74. BH;EXO. Horus with red crown and flail. II/VI
11/63 Coll. Gouin, from Tharros. Hölbl, Sard no. 76. As the last.
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11/64 Carta Coll., from Tharros. Marmora, pl. A 33; Hölbl, Sard no. 81. BH;EXO. Horus with double crown and flail; incense-burner; crescent above.
11/65 Cagliari, from Tharros. E. Acquaro, I rasoi punici (1971) fig. 75.2. BH;EXnb. In papyrus thicket.
No image available
11/66 Kerkouan Museum. REPPAL 9 (1995) pl. 6.16. BH. Horus with double crown.
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11/67 Oxford 1889.414, from Cyprus. BL;EXCR. Horus stands back. II
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11/68 London, V&A 408-1871 (Oman, no. 10). BH;EXO; in a gold mount and silver hoop. Horus with double crown. II/VI
11/69 Paris, BN, de Luynes 232. Aréthuse 5 (1928) pl. 7(8).21. BL;EXCR; in a gold mount and silver hoop A. Horus with double crown. II/V
11/70 Paris, BN, Chandon de Briailles. BL;EXCR. Horus with double crown; uraeus behind. VI
11/71 Sternberg, Aukt. 33 (1997) no. 1272. BL;EXCR;Pb. Horus, hawk-headed and disc-crowned, faces away within the wing; incense-burner; winged disc abaove.
No image available
D. Isis is seated with Horus on her lap.
Her seat is the Phoenician throne with down-turned back.
11/72 Ibiza no. 52 (Madrid 36979). Gubel, Furn no. 95. BL;EXnb. Horus with disc crown; incense-burner. V
11/73 Ibiza no. 53 (Madrid 36978). Gubel, Furn no. 94. BH;EXnb. Horus with atef crown; incense-burner. IV
11/74 Ibiza no. 54 (Barcelona 9347). Gubel, Furn no. 96. BL;EXCR. Horus with red crown; incense-burner. II/III
11/75 Ibiza no. 55. Gubel, Furn no. 134. BL;EXO. Horus with red crown (?); incense-burner. II/III
11/76 Cagliari 19727, from Tharros. Bresciani 19, pl.2b (Acquaro); Gubel, Furn no. 103. BL. On a boat with papyrus ends; Horus with double crown; three papyrus stalks at either side. VI
11/77 From Tharros. Hölbl, Sard no. 71. On a boat with disc-crowned floral terminals, facing disc-crowned hawk-headed figure; dolphin below. Material?
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11/78 Tharros pl. 56c (BM ANE 133363), London no. 364. Hölbl, Sard no. 70. BH. Horus with double crown; disc-crowned seated ape on ? (missing). Probably also the fragment, pl. 56e (BM ANE 133324). III
11/79 Turin, from Tharros. BAS 7, 165-6. Described as boat with disc-crowned hawk-headed goddess as steersman; Isis seated with Horus; lotus and disc at each end of boat.
No image available
11/80 Cagliari 1 (46), from Tharros. AJBA 1 (1968) 71, fig. 7 (Culican); Bresciani 19, pl. 2d (Acquaro); Gubel, Furn no. 150; Hölbl, Sard no. 73. BL;EXCR; on a gold hoop B. Horus has disc crown; they are in a naiskos with triple top pillars and winged disc as lintel; all on a bed with aproned lion-foreparts at each end. VI
11/81 Cagliari 21641, from Tharros. Anecd pl. 24, B 6 (as Cagliari 362); Hölbl, Sard no. 72. BH;EXnb. Horus with double crown; Isis holds ?; attendant with hawk head and disc crown. V
11/82 From Tharros. Hölbl, Sard no. 72bis. As the last.
No image available
11/83 Cagliari 2, from Tharros. BL;EXO; on a gold mount with incised lotus on the flat rim, and gold hoop B. Anecd pl. 24.B11; Gubel, Furn no. 138; Hölbl, Sard no. 64, pl. 152. Horus with red crown; incense-burner. V
11/84 Cagliari 19749, from Tharros. BH;EXO. Horus with red crown; incense-burner. II/VI
11/85 Cagliari 389542 (9491; Spano 4)), from Tharros. Gubel, Furn no. 108; Hölbl, Sard no. 66bis. BL;EXCR. Horus with red crown and flail; incense-burner. VI
11/86 Cagliari 349451, from Tharros. Marmora, pl. A 32; RSF 8 (1980) 45, pl. 7.2 (Acquaro); RSF 21 (1993) pl. 8.1 (Garbini); Gubel, Furn no. 136; Hölbl, Sard no. 58+60. BH;EXO; modern mount. Horus with double crown and flail; incense-burner. II/VI
11/87 Cagliari, from Tharros. AG pl. 15.7. BH;EXnb. As the last VI
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11/88 Spano Coll., from Tharros. Hölbl, Sard no. 61. As the last.
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11/89 Cagliari 362, from Tharros. Marmora, pl. A 34; Gubel, Furn no. 105; Hölbl, Sard no. 59. BH;EXO. Horus with double crown; incense-burner.
11/90 Cagliari 357, from Tharros. Anecd pl. 25.B14; Gubel, Furn no. 106; Hölbl, Sard no. 69. BL;EXCR. Both disc-crowned; incense-burner. V
11/92 vacat
11/93 Cagliari 363, from Tharros. Anecd pl. 25.B13; Gubel, Furn no. 137; Hölbl, Sard no. 66. BL;EXnb. Incense-burner.
11/94 Cagliari 380, from Tharros. Anecd pl. 25.B12. BH; in gold mount and silver hoop. Incense-burner.
11/95 London no. 353, pl. 6, from Tharros (BM ANE 136023); LRings no. 289. Gubel, Furn no. 104; Hölbl, Sard no. 62. BH;EXO;PB; on gold mount with wavy wire sides and hoop A. Horus with red crown, crook and flail; incense-burner. II
11/96 Como, Mus.Civ., from Tharros. RSF 6 (1978) pl. 6.2 (Pisano); Gubel, Furn no. 107; Hölbl, Sard no. 63. BH;EXnb. Horus with double crown; incense-burner.
No image available
11/97 Cagliari, from Caralis, tomb 941. Taramelli, 158, fig. 64; Gubel, Furn no. 135. Hölbl, Sard no. 67. BL;EXL. Horus with red crown; crescent above; incense-burner.
11/98 Chessa Coll., from Tharros. Hölbl, Sard no. 68. As the last.
No image available
11/99 From Utica. BullArch 1924, 145, fig. 3. BH;EXO; on gold hoop. Horus with disc crown; incense-burner. II
11/100 Kerkouan Museum. REPPAL 9 (1995) pl. 5.12. BH; EXnb. Horus with double crown; hawk-headed attendant with raised hands and disc crown; star above.
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11/101 Kerkouan Museum. REPPAL 9 (1995) pl. 6.13. BH;EXO. Horus with double crown.
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11/102 Kerkouan Museum REPPAL 9 (1995) pl. 6.14. BH;EXnb. As the last?
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11/103 Kerkouan Museum REPPAL 9 (1995) pl. 7.17. BH;EXZ. Horus with double crown; incense-burner.
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11/104 Carthage no. 569. Gubel, Furn no. 148. BL;EXO. Horus disc-crowned; incense-burner. II
11/105 Carthage no. 560. Gubel, Furn no. 132. BL. On a boat with floral finials, between incense-burners. VI
11/106 New York, Rosen 190, from Tunisia. BH;EXO. Horus with double crown; incense-burner. II/V
11/107 Ashkelon 14745, from Ashkelon. CSAPI no. 29. BH;EXO. Horus with double crown. V
11/108 Jerusalem IAA 32.649, from Atlit. QDAP 2 (1933) no. 649; AJBA 1 (1968) pl. 1.3 (Culican); Gubel, Furn no. 79; CSAPI no. 12. BL;EXCR. Horus with red crown; incense-burner. IV
11/109 Impression, once Seyrig. AJBA 1 (1968) 70, pl. 3.5 (Culican); Gubel, Furn no. 125; Nunn no. 8. BH;EXO. Horus with double crown; incense-burner. II/VI
11/110 Paris, Bibl.Nat., de Clercq no. 2734, pl. 18. Gubel, Furn no. 71. BL;EXnb. Horus with red crown; incense-burner. VI
11/111 New York, Met.Mus. NE 41.160.164. BL;EXnb. Horus with double crown; before a disc-crowned figure holding a stick; cartouche (?) between; winged disc above. II/VI
11/113 Vienna no. 17 (IX.213). Gubel, Furn no. 139. BL;EXCR. Horus with double crown; incense-burner.
E. Isis kneels with Horus on her lap
11/114 Cadiz, private, from Cadiz. Lopez de la Orden, no. 2. BL;EXO. Horus with disc crown; incense-burner.
No image available
11/115 From Villaricos; Astruc, pl. 32.34; Siret, pl. 19.7. BH;EXO. Horus with disc crown and horns? II/VI
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11/116 Ibiza no. 56 (Barcelona 9360). BH;EXnb. Horus with double crown; flowers at side borders. III
11/117 Ibiza no. 57 (Ibiza 3628). BL;EXCR. Horus with disc crown; flower behind. III
F. Two Isises two-winged (up/down) with Horus. 'Isis and Nephthys'
11/118 S. Carta Coll. from Tharros. Marmora, pl. A 45; Hölbl, Sard no. 33. BL;EXnb. Holding flowers; between them Horus squatting on a lotus; winged disc above. VI
11/119 Cagliari, from Caralis. Taramelli, 159, fig. 70; Hölbl, Sard no. 34. BL;EXCR. Horus squatting between; crescent above. II
11/120 From Utica. A. Lézine, Utique (1970) 41; Karthago 5 (1954) 109, fig. 43. BL;EXCR. Horus on a lotus between; winged disc above.
No image available
11/121 Nicosia 1946.VIII-13.4. BL;EXCR; ridged back. Horus between; winged disc above. VI
11/122 Paris, Bibl.Nat., de Clercq no. 2741, pl. 18 (E 25896), from Tortosa. BL;EXnb. Holding flowers; Horus squatting between; winged disc above. V
11/123 Paris, Bibl.Nat., de Clercq no. 2740, pl. 18 (E 25897). Nunn no. 15. BL;EXCR. Holding feathers; one figure hawk-headed; Horus squatting on lotus between; winged disc above. VI
11/124 Oxford III, no. 472 (1890.138), from Syria. Nunn no. 18. BL;EXnb;spined back. Disc-crowned holding feathers; figure between; flower stems at either side; winged disc above. VI
11/125 Paris, BN, de Luynes 235. Aréthuse 5 (1928) pl. 7(8).3; Zazoff, pl. 20.6. BL;EXnb. Holding feathers; Horus squattng on lotus between; winged disc above. VI
Other materials
Type A
11/X1 Tharros pl. 64c (BM ANE 133418), London no. 391, pl. 7. LRings no. 1005. Hölbl, Sard no. 79. Cornelian scaraboid. BH;EXO. On a gold mount with wavy wire sides and massive silver hoop A. In a papyrus thicket. VI
11/X2 Carthage no. 657. Quillard, no. 56, pl. 6b. Cornelian. BL;EXCR; in gold mount. In a papyrus thicket.
No image available
11/X3 Carthage no. 694. Agate. In gold mount. Suckles; hawk-headed double-crowned attendant at each side holding jug and ?; linked floral in exergue.
No image available
11/X4 Karthago III, no. 50. Clay bulla. With an attendant (Sekhmet?) and small seated figure, on a boat.
No image available
11/X5 Karthago III, no. 59. Clay bulla. Isis in atef crown stands behind Horus.
No image available
11/X6 Mus. Worsleianum. material? AJBA 1 (1968) 56-57, fig. 1 (Culican). EXnb. On a boat with lotus finials and heads with double crown; Horus with double crown; disc-and-crescent and winged disc above.
No image available
11/X7 London no. 272, pl. 5. Zazoff, pl. 20.4. Agate, with decorated plinth, as Etruscan. BL;EXCR. In a papyrus thicket.
No image available
11/X8 London no. 273, pl. 5; LRings no. 284. Sard. BL;EXCR; on a gold mount with wavy wire sides and hoop A. Osiris at either side; winged disc above.
No image available
11/X9 Sternberg, Aukt. 25 (1991) no. 674; Syria 76 (1999) 264, fig. 39. 'Black agate'. BL;EXCR. At the sides an incense-burner, and a figure with pointed cap holding a jug; winged disc above.
No image available
Type B
11/X11 Tharros pl. 64d (BM ANE 133532); London no. 374, pl. 7; LRings no. 1006. Hölbl, Sard no. 45. Cornelian. BH;EXCR; in gold mount with wavy wire sides on massive silver hoop A. III
11/X12 Carthage no. 658. Quillard, no. 55, pl. 6b. Cornelian. BL;EXCR; in gold mount. Horus double-crowned, holds flower; disc-an-crescent above.
11/X13 Karthago III, no. 60. Clay bulla.
No image available
Type C
11/X14 Gibraltar 24, from Gorham's Cave. AJBA 2 (1972) 115, fig. 3 (Culican); Lopez de la Orden, no. 3. Green glass. BH;EXO.
11/X15 Cagliari 19745, from Tharros. Cornelian. BL;EXnb; on gold hoop B. Horus with crown and ?
No image available
11/X16 Karthago III. no. 51. Clay bulla.
No image available
11/X17 Kerkouan Museum. REPPAL 9 (1995) pls. 4,5.11. Cornelian. BH;EXnb; In gold mount with ovolo and cable decoration, on gold hoop C. Horus wears hmhm crown and faces away. Winged disc above.
No image available
11/X18 Paris, Bibl.Nat., de Clercq no. 2738, from Beirut (E 25898). Green faience. BL;EXCR. Horus with red crown?; a branch at either side, and a small incense-burner?
Type D
11/X19 Cadiz Mus., from Cadiz. Lopez de la Orden, no. 1. Black steatite. BL.
No image available
11/X20 Ibiza no. 225 (Ibiza 4090). Gubel, Furn no. 93. Chalcedony. BL;EXnb. Horus with double crown; two incense-burners; winged disc above.
11/X21 Palermo 209. RSF 14 (1976) pl. 25.3 (Verga); Zazoff, pl. 20.7; Gubel, Furn no. 112 (ill. as no. 110). Cornelian. BH;EXnb. Horus with double crown; incense-burner; star above.
11/X22 Palermo. Gubel, Furn no. 111. Cornelian. Cut down. Incense-burner; on a boat?; letters.
No image available
11/X23 Karam Coll., Beirut, clay bulla. AJBA 1 (1968) pl. 2B (Culican); Gubel, Furn no. 73. BH;EXnb. Before incense-burner and attendant holding khnum sceptre and jug; disc-and-crescent and winged disc above.
11/X25 Jerusalem IAA 32.366, from Atlit. Blue glass. QDAP 2 (1933) 67, fig. 24; AJBA 1 (1968) pl. 1.7 (Culican); Gubel, Furn no. 124; Hölbl, Sard 287, fig. 54; CSAPI no. 2. EXO; in silver mount. Incense-burner. V
11/X26 Paris, Bibl.Nat., de Clercq no. 2733, pl. 18, from Amrit. Cornelian. In gold mount and silver hoop A. Gubel, Furn no. 118. Incense-burner with lid.
11/X27 Paris, Bibl.Nat. A 1128, Delaporte II, pl. 104. Gubel, Furn no. 126. Blue/green glass. Incense-burner.
11/X28 Byblos pl. 125, 1704; Gubel, Furn no. 127; Biblo pl. 5.11 (Gubel). Serpentine. BL. Incense-burner.
11/X29 Nicosia, from Kition. Kition II, no. 516; Gubel, Furn no. 120; Reyes, fig. 27a. Clay bulla. Disc-crowned figure in front.
11/X30 New York, Met.Mus. 74.51.4140, from Kourion. Gubel, Furn no. 83. Chalcedony. BH; in gold hoop. On a boat with papyrus and bird terminals; between disc-crowned figures, one with hawk head.
11/X30A Philadelphia 13038. Cornelian. BL;EXO; in silver mount. Isis crowned with disc and horns, Horus with double crown; incense burner; dot and disc-and-crescent above.
11/X31 Paris, BN, Chandon de Briailles. Mottled cream jasper. BL;EXCR. Faced by hawk-headed figure holding jug and ankh. Five-pointed star above.
11/X32 Wiegandt no. 45. Cornelian. BH;EXnb;PB. Between two and one papyrus stalks.
11/X33 Geneva I, no. 156, l. 63. Gubel, Furn no. 84. Amethyst. BL. Horus with atef crown; disc-crowned figure facing away; all on a boat with papyrus terminals disc-crowned; two fish below.
11/X34 Copenhagen NM 843. Cornelian. BL;EXnb. Attendant in pointed cap holding ankh; winged disc above.
Type F
11/X35 Karthago III, no. 55. Clay bulla. On a boat.
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11/X36 Karthago III, no. 56. Clay bulla.
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11/X37 S. Carta Coll., from Tharros. Marmora, pl. A 41; Hölbl, Sard no. 32. BL;EXnb. Cornelian. Holding flowers; between them Horus squatting on a lotus; winged disc above.between.
11/X38 Morrison no. 35.2. Cornelian.
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11/X39 Oxford III, no. 471 (1889.420), from near Beirut. Grey chalcedony. BL. Holding feathers; between them Horus, disc-crowned, squatting on lotus with buds, over nbw; winged disc above.
11/X40 London, BM ANE 103305, from Byblos. Biblo pl. 6.1 (Gubel). Cornelian. BH;EXnb. Osiris between; disc-and-crescent and winged disc above.
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11/X41 Munich no. 211, pl. 23, bought in Istanbul. Yellow chalcedony scaraboid. BK;EXO. Horus squatting on lotus between.
11/X42 Once Pierides Coll. from Kourion. O. Masson, Centre d'Etudes Chypriotes 24 (1995) 15, pl. 2.4. Chalcedony. BL;EXnb. Small figure with flail between; winged disc above
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11/X43 Paris, BN, de Luynes 234. Aréthuse 5 (1928) pl. 7(8).2; Zazoff, pl. 20.5. Blue chalcedony. BL;EXCR. Holding feathers; Horus squatting on lotus between; winged disc above.
11/X44 Geneva III, no. 125. Agate. BL;EXCR. Horus squats between figures with one wing down.
Type G
11/X45 London, BM ANE 103275, from Byblos. Biblo pl. 6.2 (Gubel). Black stone. BL; double ground line. Hawk-headed Horus with atef crown behind Isis with disc and horns crown, faced by an adorant; an incense-burner (?) between; winged disc above. The style resembles our series but not the details of iconography.
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