2. Disc or cartouche, crowned or carried
A. The disc has either the hmhm or atef crown and is flanked by uraei, over a cross-hatched 'mountain'.
2/1 S. Carta Coll., from Tharros. Marmora, pl. A 3; Hölbl, Sard no. 1. BL. hmhm crown, uraei with disc crowns.
2/2 Cagliari 19738, from Tharros. Hölbl, Sard no. 3. BL. As the last, two small dots above disc. A letter beside the crown? V
2/3 Cagliari 4, from Tharros. Ebers, pl. F 24; Hölbl, Sard.no. 8 BL; in gold mount with plain tongues holding stone, and hoop B. The disc has rays; winged disc above, not a crown. V
2/4 Cagliari 9515, from Tharros. Hölbl, Sard no. 12 (?). BL. The disc has rays; uraei with disc crowns; no crown above. V
2/5 Como, Mus.Civ., from Tharros. RSF 6 (1978) pl. 6.1 (Pisano); Hölbl, Sard no. 2. BL; in gold hoop. hmhm crown, uraei with disc crowns.
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2/6 From Nora. Chiera, 101; Hölbl, Sard no. 9. 'Winged disc over disc upon hatched cista with uraei'.
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2/7 Ibiza no. 2. BH. Winged disc between main disc and hmhm crown; uraei beside mountain. VI
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2/8 Ibiza no. 4 (Madrid 36976). BL;EXCR;PB. Disc with uraei, with version of atef crown with disc-crowned uraei, on a djed column, adored by two figures, one with hawk head; winged disc above. VI
B. As A, without the 'mountain' below.
2/10 Tharros pl. 55c (BM ANE 133361), London no. 388, pl. 7. Hölbl, Sard no. 18. EXnb. hmhm crown; apes seated at either side, not uraei; over a lotus on a boat with papyrus ends. VI
2/11 Tharros pl. 55d (BM ANE 133362). hmhm crown; disc-crowned uraei; over lotus flower with side buds. VI
2/12 Busacchi Coll., from Tharros. Ebers, pl. F 12; Quillard, pl. 25.2; Hölbl, Sard no. 7. BL. hmhm crown with small winged disc above; uraei with disc crowns; below, a rectangle with hieroglyphs.
2/13 Cagliari 378 (fragments of two, combined), from Tharros. Anecd pl. 25. B17; Hölbl, Sard no. 4. BL; silver hoop. Both fragments have hmhm crown; uraei with double crown; oval and letter beside crown and disc? Simple support below. IV
2/14 Cagliari 9, from Tharros. Hölbl, Sard no. 6. BL. hmhm crown with wavy horns (?) below; uraei have lion heads with klaft, stars beside heads; below, five lotus plants. At the border, a flower. VI
2/15 Oxford III, no. 477 (1890.119), from Beirut. Nunn no. 93. BL. Disc with two-feather crown flanked by disc-crowned uraei; over nbw; winged disc above. V
C. Crowned cartouche
2/16 Cagliari 9452, from Tharros. BL;EXnb; on gold hoop A. Ebers, pl. F14; Hölbl, Sard no. 245. hmhm crown flanked by uraei; uraei with disc crowns. V
2/17 Chessa Coll., from Tharros. Hölbl, Sard no. 244. EXnb. Feather crown; disc-crowned uraei; winged disc above.
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2/18 Ibiza no. 1 (Madrid 36983). BH;EXO. atef crown; uraei with disc crowns; winged disc above. IV
2/19 Ibiza no. 3 (Ibiza 3217). BL. atef crown; uraei with disc crowns; winged disc above; nbw below. III
2/20 Unknown, Italy. Ann 1885, 208-209, pl. GH 21. BL; EXnb. Cartouche with disc and horns crown, flanked by uraei; over a boat with lotus terminals disc-crowned; winged disc above
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2/21 Paris, Bibl.Nat., de Clercq no. 2569, pl. 17 (E 25893), from Byblos. Nunn no. 94. BL;EXCR. Feather crown; winged disc above. II
2/22 Paris, Bibl.Nat., de Clercq no. 2571, pl. 17 (E 25880), from Byblos. BL. hmhm crown?, flanked by disc-crowned uraei; over nbw. VI
D. Disc carried.
On the subject and its mainly Levantine rather than Egyptian associations see AJBA 1 (1968) 97-9 (Culican); Ibiza 83; in Greek glyptic, AGGems 31-32.
2/23 Ibiza no. 34 (Moreno 7). BH. Kneeling, two-winged figure with disc crown, holds against body a large disc decorated with an uzat; inscribed cartouche at each side; nbw below. III
E. Disc on a boat.
The disc is usually crowned, and is once held aloft by a figure.
2/24 Cagliari 19728, from Tharros. AG pl. 15.65; Quillard, pl. 25.1; OrAnt 21 (1982) pl. 8d (Acquaro); Bresciani 18, pl. 1a (Acquaro); Hölbl, Sard no. 14. BH. Disc flanked by uraei; hmhm crown; boat with lotus ends; triple papyrus below flanked by two satyr heads in profile. III
2/25 Cagliari 9476, from Tharros (Spano). Ebers, pl. F 19; Anecd pl. 25, B 18; Hölbl, Sard no. 15, pl. 151.1; CRAI 1987, 495, fig. 11 (Moscati). Disc flanked by uraei; hmhm crown; boat with papyrus ends; crocodile below. V
2/26 Pres. Ena Coll., from Tharros. Marmora, pl. A 46; Orientalia 58 (1989) 319, fig. 1b (Gubel); Hölbl, Sard no. 13. BL;EXnb. Figure in short skirt holds boat aloft; disc flanked by uraei; boat with lotus ends. At either side of the figure a quadruple lotus-and-buds bloom and a waz sceptre. See Gubel, loc.cit. for Egyptian parallels to the boat-bearing figure.
2/27 Spano Cat. 14, no. 3, from Tharros. Hölbl, Sard no. 16. Described as two winged lions with klafts holding up a boat and disc, a smaller boat above.
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Other materials
Type C
2/X1 Clay bulla, from Carthage. Cahiers de Byrsa 2 (1952) 47, no. 772. EXnb. Beetle in cartouche; feather and disc crown; uraei at each side; winged disc above.
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2/X2 Karthago III, no. 90. Clay bulla. Uraei at each side; hmhm crown.
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2/X3 Madrid 28492, from Cadiz. Almagro-Gorbea, no. 17; Nicolini, pl. 80.124. Cornelian. BL; in gold mount with wire cable pattern, and hoop A. With disc and feathers crown, double-crowned uraei at each side; winged disc above; on nbw. Phoenician inscription on back.
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2/X4 Paris, Bibl.Nat., de Clercq no. 2574, pl. 17. Green glass. hmhm crown flanked by uraei; over nbw. VI
Type D
2/X6 Once Pierides Coll., Cyprus. AJBA 1 (1968) 97, pl. 5C (Culican). Material/shape? Four-winged kneeling figure holds disc; below, two winged horses flank a basket and star.
Type E
2/X7 Boglioli Coll. from Tharros. Marmora, pl. A 24; Hölbl, Sard no. 17. Cornelian in gold mount. BH. Two falcon-headed kneeling figures on a boat with ram-head ends and falcons upon them. They hold a disc with hmhm crown.
2/X8 Carthage no. 699. 'White glass'. hmhm crown, flanked by disc-crowned uraei. The disc marked ?
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2/X9 Karthago III, no. 97. Clay bulla. Flanked by uraei; papyrus terminals on boat.
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2/X10 Paris, Louvre AO 10396, from Phoenicia. F. Tallon, Les pierres précieuses de l'Orient ancien (1995). Blue chalcedony. BL. On a boat with disc-crowned ram-forepart terminals; on a hatched base flanked by uraei, with an atef crown.
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