23. Chariots
The normal type is of two figures in a cart-like chariot drawn by two horses. The foremost figure holds a goad upright. The type and its Cypriot origins are discussed by E. Gubel, RSF 16 (1988) 160-163. It derives equally, it may be, from older Mesopotamian scenes in which a lion hunt is in progress, with the lion generally leaping up behind the chariot, and is particularly common on glass scaraboids of our period in the east. Contrast the scene on the Egyptian green jasper scarab, de Clercq no. 2705, pl. 18.
A. Biga with two figures
23/2 Ibiza no. 81. BH. IV
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23/3 Cagliari 9475 (Spano 25), from Tharros. Los Fenicios II (1986) 105-110, no. 2 (Acquaro). BH;PB. IV
23/4 Cagliari 9480 (Spano 66), from Tharros. BL;PB. Ibid., no. 3. The second figure raises a spear (?). III
23/7 Cagliari 19881, from Tharros. Los Fenicios II (1986) 105-110, no. 1 (Acquaro). BH; ground line. The second figure holds a spear upright. III
23/8 Cagliari, from Tharros. Ibid., no. 4. BL.
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23/9 A.U.B. Museum, from Phoenicia. RSF 16 (1988) pl. 32a (Gubel); Nunn no. 65. BL.
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23/10 Amsterdam 7903. RSF 16 (1988) pl. 28b (Gubel). BH;PB. Studded wheel; dog beneath horses. VI
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B. Other
23/11 Paris, Bibl.Nat., de Clercq no. 2706, pl. 18 (E 25942). BH; EXCR. Pointed hats. The second figure has drawn bow and quiver; the horses turn their heads; before them a crouching demon before a tree (?) or holding branches; above him an ankh, then a winged disc. VI
23/12 London no. 829, pl. 13. BH. Three figures. Pellets above and below horse. II
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Other materials
23/X1 From Kamid el-Loz. RSF 16 (1988) pl. 32b (Gubel); Kamid el-Loz III (1999) pl. 33.4; XV (1996) no. 69. Glass scaraboid. Dog before, lion behind, disc-and-crescent above.
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23/X2 Paris, BN, de Luynes 195. Aréthuse 5 (1928) pl. 8(7).6. Blue glass scaraboid. BL;EXCR. Lion behind.
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23/X3 London, BM ANE 103293, from Byblos. Biblo pl. 6.4 (Gubel). Quartz. BL. Three in chariot. II
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