40001060, Poniatowski, T1021, THE LAESTRYGONIAN GIANTS HURLING ROCKS AT THE FLEET OF ULYSSES [WHO IS CUTTING THE CABLE OF HIS GALLEY TO PRESERVE HIMSELF], KROMOU, Kromos, Unknown, Catalogue of A Rare Collection of Antique and Medieval Gems, (...) for the Charity Organization Society (...) of NY; Tiffany, 10.-16.3.1902, Daktyliothek Poniatowski 1832, Antikensammlung Berlin, Prendeville, J.: Explanatory catalogue of the proof-impressions of the antique gems possessed by the late Prince Poniatowski and now in the possession of John Tyrrell, Esq. (1841), Christie's, London, Catalogue des pierres gravées antiques de S.A. le Prince Stanislas Poniatowski ([1830?]-1833), lot 994, Sardonyx
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