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200001, ATHENIAN, Berlin, Antikensammlung, Berlin, Schloss Charlottenburg, F2159

  • Vase Number: 200001
  • Fabric: ATHENIAN
  • Technique: RED-FIGURE
  • Sub Technique: BLACK-FIGURE
  • Shape Name: AMPHORA, BELLY, TYPE A
  • Provenance: ITALY, ETRURIA, VULCI
  • Date: -550 to -500
  • Inscriptions: ANDOKIDES
  • Attributed To: ANDOKIDES P by BEAZLEY
    Under handle: HARE
  • Last Recorded Collection: Berlin, Antikensammlung: F2159
  • Previous Collections:
    • Berlin, Schloss Charlottenburg: F2159
  • Publication Record: American Journal of Archaeology: 11 (1896) 11
    Archeologia Classica: 69 (2018) 62, FIG.39 (PART OF B)
    Backe-Dahmen, A. et al., Greek Vases, Gods, Heroes and Mortals (London and Berlin, 2010): 72-73, NO.37 (COLOUR OF A AND B)
    Beazley, J.D., Attic Black-Figure Vase-Painters (Oxford, 1956): 253.1
    Beazley, J.D., Attic Red-Figure Vase-Painters, 2nd edition (Oxford, 1963): 3.1, 1617
    Beazley, J.D., Attic Red-figure Vase-painters, 1st ed. (Oxford, 1942): 1.1
    Beazley, J.D., Attische Vasenmaler des rotfigurigen Stils (Tübingen, 1925): 8.8
    Beazley, J.D., Paralipomena (Oxford, 1971): 320
    Bianchi Bandinelli, R. and Paribeni, E., L'Arte dell' antichita classica, I, Grecia (Turin, 1976): NO.321 (PART OF A)
    Blümel, C., Sport der Hellenen (Berlin, 1936): 124 (B)
    Blümel, C., Sport und Spiel bei Griechen und Römern (Berlin, 1934): PL.5 (B)
    Boardman, J., Athenian Red Figure Vases (London, 1975): FIG.3.1-3 (B, PARTS OF A & B)
    Boardman, J., Greek Art, 4th edition (London, 1996): 115, FIG.103 (PART OF A)
    Boardman, J., Greek Art, 4th edition (London, 1996): 272, FIG.276 (DRAWING OF B)
    Boardman, J., The history of Greek vases, potters, painters and pictures (London, 2001): 81, FIG.112 (PART OF A)
    Brinkmann, V., Beobachtungen zum formalen Aufbau und zum Sinngehalt der Friese des Siphnierschatzhauses (Ennepetal, 1994): 66, FIGS.A, D (DRAWINGS OF PARTS OF A)
    Brommer, F., Herakles II (Darmstadt, 1984): PL.4 (A)
    Burn, L. and Glynn, R., Beazley Addenda (Oxford, 1982): 71
    Carpenter, T.H., Art and Myth in Ancient Greece (London, 1991): FIG.73 (A)
    Carpenter, T.H., with Mannack, T. and Mendonca, M., Beazley Addenda, 2nd edition (Oxford, 1989): 149
    Charbonneaux, J., Martin, R., and Villard, F., Archaic Greek Art (London, 1971): 298, FIG.342 (B)
    Clark, A.J. and Gaunt, J. (eds.), Essays in Honor of Dietrich von Bothmer, Allard Pierson Series 14 (Amsterdam, 2002): PL.55B (PART OF A)
    Classical Antiquity: 8 (1975), 256, PL.9.2 (PART OF A)
    Cohen, B., Attic Bilingual Vases (New York, 1978): PLS.25.3, 26.1-3 (A,B)
    Das Altertum: 41 (1996) 3, FRONTISPIECE (COLOUR OF B)
    Deacy, S. and Villing, A. (eds.), Athena in the Classical World (Leiden, 2001): PL.19 (PART OF A)
    Dietrich, N. and Squire, M. (eds.), Ornament and Figure in Graeco-Roman Art, Rethinking visual Ontologies in Classical Antiquity (Berlin and Boston, 2018): 150, FIG.6.3 (UH)
    Dietrich, N., Das Attribut als Problem, Eine bildwissenschaftliche Untersuchung zur griechischen Kunst (Berlin, Munich, and Boston, 2018): 50, 59, FIG.2.4 (A, PART OF A)
    Enciclopedia dell'Arte Antica: SUPP.II.1, 531, FIG.599 (B)
    Filser, W., Die Elite Athens auf der attischen Luxuskeramik, Image & Context 16 (Berlin, Munich, Boston, 2017): 304, FIG.159 (B)
    Frasca, R. (ed.), La multimedialita della comunicazione educativa in Grecia e a Roma, Scenario, Percorsi (Bari, 1996): 82, FIG.3 (B)
    Frontisi-Ducroux, F., Du Masque au Visage, Aspects de l'identite en Grece ancienne (Paris, 1995): PL.103 (B)
    Furtwängler, A. and Reichhold, K., Griechische Vasenmalerei (Munich, 1904-32): III, 73, 76, FIG.38, PL.133 (A, B, UF)
    Gardiner, N., Athletics of the Ancient World (Oxford, 1930): FIG.154 (B)
    Gardiner, N., Greek Athletic Sports and Festivals (London, 1910): 386 (B)
    Gehrig, U., Greifenhagen, A., and Kunisch, H., Führer durch die Antikenabteilung (Berlin, 1968): PLS.59-60 (A,B)
    Gerhard, E., Trinkschalen und Gefässe des Königlichen Museums zu Berlin und anderer Sammlungen (Berlin, 1848-1850): PLS.19, 20
    Geroulanos, S. and Bridler, R., Trauma, Wund-Entstehung und Wund-Pflege im antiken Griechenland (Mainz, 1994): FIG.6 (B)
    Greifenhagen, A., Griechische Götter (Berlin, 1968): FIG.10 (PART OF A)
    Harris, H., Greek Athletes and Athletics (London, 1964): PL.13B (B)
    Haynes, D., Greek Art and the Idea of Freedom (London, 1981): 29, FIG.23 (A)
    Heilmeyer, W-D. et al., Antikenmuseum Berlin, Die ausgestellten Werke (Berlin, 1988): 100, NO.1 (B)
    Heilmeyer, W.D. et al., Euphronios und seine Zeit, Kolloquium in Berlin 19./20. April 1991 anlässlich der Ausstellung Euphronios der Maler (Berlin, 1991): 81-82, FIGS.1-2, 5 (PARTS OF A AND B)
    Hoppin, A., A handbook of Attic red-figured vases signed by or attributed to the various masters of the sixth and fifth centuries B.C. (Cambridge, 1919): I, 33
    Jahrbuch des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts: 115 (2000) 301, FIG.25 (PART OF A)
    Journal of Hellenic Studies: 25 (1905) 270, FIG.8 (B)
    Keuls, E., The Reign of the Phallus (New York, 1985): 39, FIG.17 (PART OF A)
    Kilmer, M.F., Greek Erotica on Attic Red-Figure Vases (London, 1993): PL. AT P.146, R4 (B)
    Knittlmayer, B. and Heilmeyer, W-D., Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Die Antikensammlung, Altes Museum - Pergamonmuseum (Mainz, 1998): 53, NO.22 (COLOUR OF A)
    Korshak, Y., Frontal Faces in Attic Vase Painting of the Archaic Period (Chicago, 1977): 109, FIG.42 (B)
    Kéi, N., L'esthétique des fleurs, kosmos, poikilia et kharis dans la céramique attique du VIe et du Ve siècle av. n. ère, ICON 22 (Berlin and Boston, 2022): 213, FIG.163, 526, PL.44 (PART OF A, COLOUR OF B)
    Langlotz, E., Griechische Vasenbilder (Heidelberg, 1922): PL.1 top (B)
    Lexicon Iconographicum Mythologiae Classicae: II, PL.553, ARTEMIS 1295 (PART OF A), PL.717, ATHENA 121 (PART OF A)
    Lissarrague, F. et al. (eds.), Ceramique et peinture Grecques, Modes d'emploi, Actes du colloque internat., Ecole du Louvre, April 1995 (Paris, 1999): 314, FIG.5 (PART OF A)
    Martins, J.P., A Arte e os Jogos Gregos na Antiguidade, As Representacoes das Actividades Fisico-Atleticas na Ceramica Classica Grega nos Periodos das Figureas Negras e Vermelhas (Coimbra, 2009): 100, FIG.33 (B)
    Metropolitan Museum Journal: 26 (1991) 62, FIGS.18-19 (A, OF)
    Minerva, International Review of Ancient Art and Archaeology: 15.4 (JULY/AUGUST 2004) 26, FIG.12 (COLOUR OF B)
    Mommsen, H., Der Affecter (Mainz, 1975): PL.133, BELOW RIGHT (HANDLE)
    Morford, M. et al., Classical Mythology, International Ninth Edition (Oxford, 2011): 179, 575 (A, PART OF A)
    Neugebauer, K., Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Führer (1932): PL.42 (A)
    Olivova, V., Sports and Games in the Ancient World (1984): 105 (B)
    Osborne, R., Archaic and Classical Greek Art, Oxford History of Art (Oxford, 1998): 137-138 (A, B)
    Osborne, R., The History Written on the Classical Greek Body (Cambridge, 2011): 57, FIG.3.1 (B)
    Osborne, R., The Transformation of Athens Painted Pottery and the Creation of Classical Greece (Princeton and Oxford, 2018): 62-63, FIG.3.3-4 (A, B)
    Padgett, J.M. (ed.), The Berlin Painter and His World, Athenian Vase-Painting in the Early Fifth Century B.C., Princeton University Art Museum Monograph Series (New Haven and London, 2017): 95, FIG.10 (COLOUR OF A)
    Pasquier, A., Euphronios, genie de la peinture grecque, Archeologia hors serie numero 1 (Dijon, 1991): 6 (COLOUR OF PART OF A)
    Patrucco, R., Lo Sport nella Grecia antica (Florence, 1972): 282, FIG.131 (B)
    Pfuhl, E., Malerei und Zeichnung der Griechen (Munich, 1923): FIG.314 (A)
    Poliakoff, M. B., Combat Sports in the Ancient World, Competition, Violence and Culture (Yale, 1987): 36, FIG.22 (B)
    Poliakoff, M. B., Combat Sports in the Ancient World, Competition, Violence and Culture (Yale, 1987): PL.22 (PART OF B)
    Revue Archeologique: 2015.2, 278, FIG.32 (DRAWING OF PART OF A)
    Robertson, C.M., The art of vase-painting in classical Athens (Cambridge, 1992): 15, FIG.10 (B)
    Schefold, K., Götter und Heldensagen der Griechen in der spätarchaischen Kunst (Munich, 1978): FIG.191 (A)
    Scheibler, I., Griechische Töpferkunst, Herstellung, Handel und Gebrauch der antiken Tongefässe (Munich, 1983): 89, FIG.79 (PART OF A)
    Scheibler, I., Griechische Töpferkunst, Herstellung, Handel und Gebrauch der antiken Tongefässe, 2nd ed. (Munich, 1995): 89, FIG.79 (PART OF A)
    Schroder, B., Der Sport im Altertum (Berlin, 1927): PL.61 (B)
    Schwarzmaier, A. et al. (eds.), Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, die Antikensammlung, Altes Museum, Neues Museum, Pergamonmuseum (Berlin and Darmstadt, 2012): 99, NO.49 (COLOUR OF A)
    Schwarzmaier, A. et al., Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, The Antikensammlung, Altes Museum, Neues Museum, Pergamonmuseum (Mainz, 2016): 99, NO.49 (COLOUR OF A)
    Sgariglia, S., L'Athenaion di Siracusa, Una lettura tra storia e segni (Syracuse, 2009): 92 (COLOUR OF PART OF A)
    Simon, E. and Hirmer, M., Die Griechischen Vasen (Munich, 1976): PLS.81-85 (A,B, PARTS OF A)
    Stumpfe, O., Die Heroen Griechenlands, Einübung des Denkens von Theseus bis Odysseus (1978): 144, FIG.22 (PART OF A)
    Swindler, M.H., Ancient painting, from the earliest times to the period of Christian art (New Haven, 1929): PLS.294, 301
    Thesaurus Cultus et Rituum Antiquorum: VIII. PL.44, CAT.83 (A)
    Tiverios, M.A., Elliniki techni, archaia angaia (Athens, 1996): 112-113, FIGS.80-81 (COLOUR OF A AND PART OF A)
    Tölle-Kastenbein, R., Pfeil und Bogen im antiken Griechenland (Bochum, 1980): 149, PL.45 (PART OF A)
    Walter-Karydi, E., Die Athener und ihre Gräber (1000-300 v.Chr.) (Berlin, 2015): 77, FIG.40 (DRAWING OF B)
    Yalouris, N. et al., Athletics in Ancient Greece (Athens, 1977): 204, 207, FIGS.109, 112 (PARTS OF B)
  • AVI Web:
  • AVI Record Number: 2283
  • LIMC ID: 10540
  • LIMC Web:
  • CAVI Collection: Berlin 2159.
  • CAVI Lemma: RF amphora. From Vulci. Andokides Painter. 530-520.
  • CAVI Subject: A: The Struggle for the Tripod. B: wrestlers.
  • CAVI Inscriptions: On the lower moulding of the foot, Gr.: Ανδοκιδες εποεσεν{1}. Under the foot, twice, Gr.: ΑΚ [[lig.]] = Hackl (1909), 35, Johnston (1979), 88/1B,11 and 178/40. On a handle and under the lid, Gr.: pentagram, see Knauer.
  • CAVI Footnotes: {1} the form without iota is preferred in the Andokides signatures; see Threatte (1980), 328.
  • CAVI Comments: Berlin West. On the replacement of the proper lid from London B 201, see Para. 320.
  • CAVI Number: 2283
  • AVI Bibliography: CIG 4 (1855–77), no. 8131. — Furtwängler (1885), no. 2159. — FR (1904–32), iii, 73-76, pl. 133, p. 76, fig. 38 (facs. of inscription). — ARV[2] (1963), 3/1, 1617. — Knauer (1965), pls. 1-9. — Para. (1971), 320. — Add.[2] (1989), 149 (much bibl.). — AttScr (1990), no. 1067.
  • CAVI / AVI Data from Henry Immerwahr's Corpus of Attic Vase Inscriptions (CAVI), updated by Rudoph Wachter's Attic Vase Inscriptions (AVI)
  • Image Credits: FURTWANGLER-REICHHOLD DRAWINGS: Please consult with Williams College Special Collections staff and Williams College Visual Resources Center staff, regarding questions about publishing and accessing materials from Williams College Special Collections. Researchers are responsible for handling any copyright issues that may be associated with collections and materials.
  • Pleiades URI:
  • Coordinates: 42.421429,11.702499
  • Pleiades Coordinates: 42.419009,11.6298975
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