473, ATHENIAN, Paris, Cabinet des Medailles, Paris, private, Duke of Luynes, Paris, private, Duke of Luynes, Paris, Vicomte Beugnot, Canino, Lucien Bonaparte, Prince of Canino, 251
CAVI Subject: A: Dionysus with kantharos, with a satyr and two maenads. B: The Struggle for
the Tripod, with Leto (or Artemis?); deer.
CAVI Inscriptions: B: partly nonsense or mock inscriptions: Between the foreheads of Heracles
and Apollo: hεαριος. To right of Heracles' face: αφχνγα(.)τ, retr.{1}. To left
of Leto's face: Λετος(χ), retr.{2}. Under the foot, Gr.: Attic lambda and
Etruscan 8. See Johnston (1979), 107/24B 16. There are also some other signs,
cf. CVA.
CAVI Footnotes: {1} I have not a good reading of this; CVA does not consider it retr. and
prints: τσασχφα. De Ridder has: εσδυσαοα. There is a glare in the photo, but I
saw ...οστ, retr. {2} CVA has: αετοσχ, retr., and interprets: Αετος, which is
also de Ridder's understanding.
CAVI Comments: The first and last inscription look like bowdlerized names of Heracles and
Leto, but it is hard to read the second in any way as Apollo. An illiterate?
CAVI Number: 6096
AVI Bibliography: BADB 473. — Photo. — De Ridder (1902), i, 158f. (readings). — M. Lambrino,
CVA Bibliothèque Nationale 2, France 10 (1931), III H e, pl. 77,3-4, 78,1-3
(bibl.). — Philippaki (1967), pl. 14,2 (A). — Boardman (1974), fig. 221 (A). —
LIMC iii (1986), pl. 330, Dionysos 308 (A).
CAVI / AVI Data from Henry Immerwahr's Corpus of Attic Vase Inscriptions (CAVI), updated by Rudoph Wachter's Attic Vase Inscriptions (AVI)