Remarks: Antefix plaque preserves small female head wearing diadem (H 2-3), painted brown on top, and decorated with painted brown stripe across top, from which are suspended brown stripes with black dots at ends. From shell frame only part of roll encircling head, painted with black band & 2 diverging black diagonal bands. On back, scar of cover tile at forehead height, back of face hollowed below; scar of vertical ridge above cover tile (W 2). From Sermoneta Collection
Bibliography: Die Welt der Etrusker 1988, p. 180, B 6.7; Kästner 1993, p. 112, no. 3, figs. 1-2
Publication record: Architektonische Terrakotten aus der Sammlung der Hergozin von Sermoneta in der Berliner Antikensammlung. Author: Kästner, V.. Journal and volume number: Deliciae Fictiles. Place of publication: Stockholm. Publication Date: 1993. Pages: 109-116 Die Welt der Etrusker: archäologische Denkmäler aus Museen der sozialistischen Länder. Author: Kunze, M., & V. Kästner (eds.). Place of publication: Berlin. Publication Date: 1988
Type of decoration: Painted oblique bands/female head wearing diadem
Last Recorded Collection: Antikensammlung
Mouldmade: yes
Height: 16.4
Width: 11
MPD: ca 7.5
Clay: 2.5Y 8/4 but lighter
Paint: Cream surface 10YR 8/3, brown 5YR 4/3, black hair, eyes, brows, ear outlines