Remarks: Bearded Gorgon head antefix with strigil shell frame. Very flat strigil shell frame. No strut but thick ridge above cover tile on back of plaque.
Bibliography: Walters 1903, p. 169, B597
Publication record: Catalog of terracottas in the British Museum. Author: Walters, H.B.. Place of publication: London. Publication Date: 1903
Type of decoration: Bearded Gorgoneion
Last Recorded Collection: British Museum
Mouldmade: yes
Height: 30.2
Width: 35
Clay: 5YR 7/4 (fresh break) 5YR 5/4 (old surface)
Paint: Cream slip 10YR 7/3. Black wide outlines of alternating strigils, diagonal bands forming herringbone on roll and flat band, hair, beard, eyes, teeth. Purple-red outline alternating strigils, diagonal bands, earring, inner hair strand below ear, tongue, volute outline of eye 10YR 3/2 + 2.5YR 2.5/4.