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275122, ATHENIAN, Malibu (CA), The J. Paul Getty Museum, Malibu (CA), The J. Paul Getty Museum, Greenwich (CT), private, M. and W. Bareiss, S82.AE.42

  • Vase Number: 275122
  • Fabric: ATHENIAN
  • Technique: RED-FIGURE
  • Shape Name: HYDRIA
  • Date: -525 to -475
  • Attributed To: EUCHARIDES P by BEAZLEY
  • Last Recorded Collection: Malibu (CA), The J. Paul Getty Museum: 86.AE.227
  • Previous Collections:
    • Greenwich (CT), private, M. and W. Bareiss: 28
    • Malibu (CA), The J. Paul Getty Museum: S82.AE.42
  • Publication Record: Beazley, J.D., Attic Red-Figure Vase-Painters, 2nd edition (Oxford, 1963): 1637.43BIS
    Beazley, J.D., Paralipomena (Oxford, 1971): 347
    Carpenter, T.H., with Mannack, T. and Mendonca, M., Beazley Addenda, 2nd edition (Oxford, 1989): 199
    Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum: MALIBU, J. PAUL GETTY MUSEUM 7, 27, FIG.8, PLS.(1626-1627,1633) 349.1-2, 350.1, 356.1-2
    Greek Vases, Molly and Walter Bareiss Collections, the Paul Getty Museum (Malibu, 1983): 38, NO.24
    Lullies, R., Griechische Plastik, Vasen und Kleinkunst, Kassel, 27.5-27.9.1964: FIG.58
  • AVI Web:
  • AVI Record Number: 5009
  • CAVI Collection: Malibu 86.AE.227.
  • CAVI Lemma: RF hydria (kalpis). Eucharides Painter (Bothmer). First quarter fifth. Middle (Langridge). Ca. 480 (Neer).
  • CAVI Subject: Body: Komos: youth with a stick and flute case; a naked boy facing him and playing the flutes at upper left, a basket. Neer seems to call the scene: `Courtship'.
  • CAVI Inscriptions: Body: between basket and youth: καλος. Between the figures: Ευχαριδε(ς), retr.{1}. [[Addenda:]] My note from Neer says: Vertically between the two figures: Ευχαριδες καλο(ς){2}.
  • CAVI Footnotes: {1} in the diss. Langridge says: Eucharides kalos. {2} the name is not visible in the ph., but the text gives it as left-to-right, but with each letter retr. kalos is normal. [[n. 2 from Addenda]]
  • CAVI Comments: Ex S.82.AE.42. Ex Bareiss 28. Ευχαριδες καλος occurs on the stamnos in Copenhagen (124) by the same painter and perhaps on Louvre G 138, ARV[2] 365/61, a cup by the Triptolemos Painter, without kalos (Ευ[χαρ]ιδες(?)). [[Addenda:]] For occurrences of Eucharides see CVA, p. 27.
  • CAVI Number: 5009
  • AVI Bibliography: ARV[2] (1963), 1637/43 bis, 1699. — Greifenhagen (1967), 23/73 (not ill.). — Stähler (1967a), pls. 7,b and 8,a. — Para. (1971), 347. — J. Paul Getty Museum (1983), 76/112; also 38/24 (ill.). — Add.[2] (1989), 199. — Langridge (1992), 5. — Langridge (1993), 394/E 139, pl. 57, bottom. — R.T. Neer, CVA Malibu 7, USA 32 (1997), no. 25, pls. 349-350 and 356,1-2, fig. 8 (profile).
  • CAVI / AVI Data from Henry Immerwahr's Corpus of Attic Vase Inscriptions (CAVI), updated by Rudoph Wachter's Attic Vase Inscriptions (AVI)
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