CAVI Lemma: BF hydria (kalpis). Connected with Sappho Painter's work (Haspels){1}. Ca.
CAVI Subject: Shoulder: two lions devouring a bull (to left).
CAVI Inscriptions: Shoulder: nonsense: above the left lion's back, bearing upward: λοστοστ.
Between their necks, down: λοσ, retr.{2}. Above the right lion's back,
diagonally downward: λοστσ.
CAVI Footnotes: {1} Sappho Painter (Boardman) [I think]. Near Sappho Painter (Beazley's note
with a photo, but not in ABV or Para.) {2} somy reading (as probable); Boardman:
CAVI Comments: Boardman's reading agrees with mine; hence I have identified the original
CAVI 6242 vase with Louvre E 734.