Main SiteGandhara ConnectionsVase Corpus (CVA Online)

12.II.A.491, Nude boy attacked by two satyrs who want to hold him, whilst a female bacchic follower sits nearby and holds the arm of one of the satyrs. There is a thyrsus and a lion's skin on a piece of high ground. At the feet of the boy lies an upturned vase. At the bottom are the panpipes, timpany and crook. To the left is a tree.

  • Record Number: 40006846
  • Sub-database: Cades
  • Reference Number: 12.II.A.491
  • Description: Nude boy attacked by two satyrs who want to hold him, whilst a female bacchic follower sits nearby and holds the arm of one of the satyrs. There is a thyrsus and a lion's skin on a piece of high ground. At the feet of the boy lies an upturned vase. At the bottom are the panpipes, timpany and crook. To the left is a tree.
  • Last Recorded Collection: Cades, T.: Impronte dell' Instituto: Libro 12, classe II, A no. 491
  • Shape: Cameo

Last updated 22/04/2024 17:00:00 by Parker, Greg. Created 29/07/2005 11:59:00 by Alice. Approved by Alice. Copyright © 2003-2025 Classical Art Research Centre, University of Oxford.

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