Building or zone: Palatine hill - Germalus, room IV, wall M
Position: Pediment slopes
Roof element: Revetment plaques,figural
Remarks: Fragment preserves relief with forequarters of 3 horses facing in profile to left, hand & part of torso of charioteer. Oblique right edge indicates that movement would descend from pediment apex. Nail hole
Bibliography: Carettoni 1967, p. 314, no. 62, fig. 40 left
Publication record: Roma (Palatino) - scavo della zona a sud-ovest della Casa di Livia. Prima relazione: la casa repubblicana. Author: Carettoni, G.. Journal and volume number: NSc. Publication Date: 1967
Associated elements: 80b, Fig. 40 right
Type of decoration: Horses moving to left
Last Recorded Collection: Antiquarium palatino
Mouldmade: yes
Height: 14
Width: 14
Paint: Traces of red on horse torso
Condition: Fragment with finished right edge at oblique angle