1135, ATHENIAN, Athens, Ceramicus, 1134
Vase Number: 1135Fabric: ATHENIANTechnique: RED-FIGURESub Technique: WHITE GROUNDShape Name: LEKYTHOS, FRAGMENTProvenance: GREECE, ATHENS, CERAMICUSDate: -500 to -450Inscriptions: GLAUKON Kalos/Kale: [GLA]UKON [KAL]OS Transcription: GLAUKONAttributed To: PROVIDENCE P by FELTENDecoration: Body: WOMAN, SEATEDLast Recorded Collection: Athens, Ceramicus: 1134Publication Record: Carpenter, T.H., with Mannack, T. and Mendonca, M., Beazley Addenda, 2nd edition (Oxford, 1989): 395 Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts, Athenische Abteilung: 91 (1976), PL.26.8AVI Web: https://www.avi.unibas.ch/DB/searchform.html?ID=1872 AVI Record Number: 1749CAVI Collection: Athens, Ceramicus 1134.CAVI Lemma: Frs. of WG lekythos. From Athens. Providence Painter (Felten). Second quarter
fifth.CAVI Subject: Top portion of a seated woman.CAVI Inscriptions: On the left, non-stoich. two-liner(1): [Γλα]υκον | [καλ]ος{1}.CAVI Footnotes: {1} presumably left-aligned.CAVI Comments: Nine frs.CAVI Number: 1749AVI Bibliography: BADB 1135. — Photo AI Ker. 4440. — Felten (1976), pl. 26,8. — Add.[2] (1989),
395.CAVI / AVI Data from Henry Immerwahr's Corpus of Attic Vase Inscriptions (CAVI), updated by Rudoph Wachter's Attic Vase Inscriptions (AVI) Pleiades URI: https://pleiades.stoa.org/places/97294452 Coordinates: 37.978333,23.718611 Pleiades Coordinates: 37.978333,23.718611
Link to this record using the address https://www.beazley.ox.ac.uk/record/DB560FB9-0E8F-4B9B-9938-B83F263C08F7