4241, Orvieto
- Record number: 4241
- Site: Orvieto
- Roof element: Antefixes, heads
- Comparanda: Equal type as 33764, TC 7553a, TC 7553c, TC 7553f, TC 7553_?
- Remarks: Floral antefix shell. Smaller fragment of lower left corner of floral antefix shell of same type as TC 7556.
- Type of decoration: Floral
- Last Recorded Collection: Antikensammlung
- Mouldmade: yes
- Height: 11.8
- Width: 10.6
- MPD: 3.7
- Clay: 7.5YR 6/4 burned
- Paint: Red ground and 1st, 3rd, 5th palmette leaves 10R 4/6.
- Condition: 1 fragment
- Width palmette: 4.9
- Type shell: Floral
- Width shell: 10.2
Last updated 22/07/2012 22:19:00 by Nancy Winter. Created 09/07/2012 12:44:00 by Nancy Winter. Approved by Nancy Winter. Copyright © 2003-2025 Classical Art Research Centre, University of Oxford.
Link to this record using the address https://www.beazley.ox.ac.uk/record/D048A990-CCBA-4CD5-9D5D-009AE489BB77