Remarks: Antefix plaque from complex & unusual mould with wide flat fascia with parallel stripes surrounding 9-leaf palmette or half rosette with cordoned edges, above raised band (H 1.1, W 16.8) with red boxes bordered by white on orange ground, above recessed flat fascia (H 3, W 17.1) painted with houndstooth in red outlined in white on orange ground, above recessed base with central horizontal red stripe on orange ground. Orange color on left half of antefix = areas painted black on right half where burning is evident
Bibliography: Die Welt der Etrusker 1988, p. 230, C 2.3
Publication record: Die Welt der Etrusker: archäologische Denkmäler aus Museen der sozialistischen Länder. Author: Kunze, M., & V. Kästner (eds.). Place of publication: Berlin. Publication Date: 1988
Type of decoration: Strigil shell/half rosette/painted houndstooth/stripes
Last Recorded Collection: Antikensammlung
Mouldmade: yes
Height: 26.7
Width: 33.9
MPD: 10
Clay: 7.5YR 6/6
Paint: White 10YR 8/3 (left)/2.5Y 8/2 (right). Red 10R 4/4 (left)/7.5R 3/4 (right). Orange 2.4YR 4/6 (left)/black (right)
Condition: Complete except for upper left edges of shell; well-preserved paint