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9016384, ATHENIAN, Athens, Agora Museum, P15555

  • Vase Number: 9016384
  • Fabric: ATHENIAN
  • Shape Name: BOWL
  • Date: -525 to -475
  • Last Recorded Collection: Athens, Agora Museum: P15555
  • AVI Web:
  • AVI Record Number: 506
  • CAVI Collection: Athens, Agora P 15,555.
  • CAVI Lemma: Fr. from rim of unglazed bowl. From Athens. Unattributed. Late sixth (AttScr). Sixth (Vanderpool–Stamires ms.). Early fifth (Lang){1}.
  • CAVI Subject: Undecorated.
  • CAVI Inscriptions: On the sherd, written inside, Gr.: Εγεστρατος | hασιμιονι[], boustr.
  • CAVI Footnotes: {1} seventh? (Jeffery). {2} withdrawn by him in a ms. notation to Vanderpool (1949).
  • CAVI Comments: Vanderpool thought this an ostracon{2}. Jeffery read: Εγεστρατος | hα[ι]σιμιονι, "perhaps a label accompanying a gift." This was accepted by V.&S. Lang read, not boustr.: Εγεστρατος | μοι μισγη, which is clearly wrong, as the person appears also on P 15,379, P 31,077 (here including Ασιμιονιδες) and P 31,078 (see AttScr). I suggest in AttScr: Εγεστρατος | hασιμιονι(δες) or -(δον), assuming the second word to be the name of a family or clan. LGPN ii, however, following ZPE, reads Hegestratos son of Aisimionides and that may be correct, although I cannot accept their date of 485-480. LGPN dates P 15,555 in the seventh century (after Jeffery: see s.v. Hegestratos 1), but the rest of the occurrences in the early fifth). P. 15,555 and P. 31,077 both have closed heta, which I think cannot be as late as the fifth century. On the Hegestratos sherds see also Threatte (1996), 689.
  • CAVI Number: 0506
  • AVI Bibliography: Vanderpool and Stamires ms. — Vanderpool (1949), 398/10a, pl. 58. — Jeffery (1961), 76/9c, pl. 2 (phot.). — Sparkes–Talcott (1970), under no. 1892. — Lang (1976), C 8, pl. 4 (dr.). — AttScr (1990), no. 49. — Lang (1990), 48/128, fig. 7 (dr.). — Masson (1992), 114. — LGPN ii (1994), s.vv. Αισιμιωνιδης and Ηγεστρατος 1 and 3.
  • CAVI / AVI Data from Henry Immerwahr's Corpus of Attic Vase Inscriptions (CAVI), updated by Rudoph Wachter's Attic Vase Inscriptions (AVI)

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