Comparanda: Rome, MNR 24235 A, 24236 A, 24235 B, 24235 C, 24235 E, 24236 C, 24236 B, all from Norba, Temple of Juno Lucina
Remarks: Female head antefix with headband, wearing wreath of ivy-leaves and grape-clusters. At sides leaves and berries clusters(?). Small disk earrings. Hair tied on top of head, falling onto forehead. No shell. Missing bottom of base.
Bibliography: Quattrocchi 1956, p. 46, no. 123
Publication record: Il Museo Archeologico prenestino. Author: Quattrocchi, G.. Place of publication: Roma. Publication Date: 1956
Type of decoration: Female head wearing wreath of ivy-leaves and grape-clusters
Last Recorded Collection: Museo Archeologico Nazionale