CAVI Lemma: BG lekanis. From Cumae. Unattributed. Ca. 450.
CAVI Subject: No figured decoration.
CAVI Inscriptions: Grr., in three lines: ιχθυαι ΔΙ- | ΔΡ ΙΙΙΙ | ΑΠ [[ΔΡ and ΑΠ lig.]].
CAVI Comments: ιχθυη: a pot for serving fish: the word also occurs on two lost vases: ex
Pourtalès and ex Naples, Betti. Johnston thinks it is the lekanis. He also
accepts ΔΡ (with tailed rho) as an early sign for drachma, against Amyx. He
implies a reading of the price inscription as 11 ichthyai for 4 drachmas (ca. 2
obols a piece); see Hackl (1909), p. 74.
CAVI Number: 5352
AVI Bibliography: Hackl (1909), no. 601a, 74, pl. 3. — Amyx (1958), 299, pl. 54,f (after
Hackl). — Johnston (1979), 91/3B 4, 163/6F 1, 229-30.
CAVI / AVI Data from Henry Immerwahr's Corpus of Attic Vase Inscriptions (CAVI), updated by Rudoph Wachter's Attic Vase Inscriptions (AVI)