Last Recorded Collection: Paris, Cabinet des Medailles: 492
Previous Collections:
Canino, Lucien Bonaparte, Prince of Canino
Paris, Pourtales Collection
Unknown, Oppermann Collection: 29
Publication Record: Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum: PARIS, BIBLIOTHEQUE NATIONALE 2, 72-73, PL.(481) 95.1.3-4 View Whole CVA Plates Haspels, C.H.E., Attic Black-figured Lekythoi (Paris, 1936): 236.96 Lindblom, A., Take a Walk on the Wild Side. The Behaviour, Attitude and Identity of Women Approached by Satyrs on Attic Red-Figure Vases from 530 to 400 B.C. (Stockholm, 2011): 254, NO.166 (PART OF BD) de Ridder, A., Catalogue des vases peints de la Bibliotheque Nationale (Paris, 1902): 364, FIG.84 (DRAWING)
CAVI Lemma: Polychrome lekythos{1}. Diosphos Painter (Haspels). First quarter fifth.
CAVI Subject: A satyr pursuing a naked maenad.
CAVI Inscriptions: Many meaningless inscriptions. One: χε(.)ιι{2}.
CAVI Footnotes: {1} so CVA. I.e., Six' technique and WG. {2} so CVA, text.
CAVI Number: 6142
AVI Bibliography: BADB 14,032. — Six (1888), 206, pl. 21 bis. — De Ridder (1902), ii, no. 482,
fig. 84 (dr.). — Pfuhl (1923), i, 335, para. 352. — M. Lambrino, CVA
Bibliothèque Nationale 2, France 10 (1931), III I a, pl. 95,1,3-4. — Haspels
(1936), 236/96.
CAVI / AVI Data from Henry Immerwahr's Corpus of Attic Vase Inscriptions (CAVI), updated by Rudoph Wachter's Attic Vase Inscriptions (AVI)