Last Recorded Collection: Munich, Antikensammlungen: 8729
Previous Collections:
Canino, Lucien Bonaparte, Prince of Canino
Munich, Antikensammlungen: KM3179
Munich, Antikensammlungen: J339
Munich, Antikensammlungen: 2044
Publication Record: Adam-Veleni, P. et al. (eds), Il dono di Dioniso, Mitologia del vino nell'Italia centrale (Molise) e nella Grecia del Nord (Macedonia) (Thessaloniki, 2011): 81, FIG.4 (COLOUR OF I) American Journal of Archaeology: 119 (2015), 296, FIG.1 (A) Angiolillo, S., Arte e cultura nell'Atene di Pisistrato e dei Pisistratidi (Bari, 1997): 110, FIG.56 (I) Angiolillo, S., Arte e cultura nell'Atene di Pisistrato e dei Pisistratidi (Bari, 1997): 154, FIG.88 (A) Antike Welt: 22 (1991) 3, 162, FIG.4 (COLOUR OF I) Archeo, Attualita di Passato: 80 (OCTOBER 1991) 78 (COLOUR OF I) Archeologia Classica: 42 (1990) 49, FIG.5 (I) Archeologia Classica: 48 (1996) 219, FIG.1 (AH) BEAZLEY NOTEBOOK: 76, 106.2 Barringer, J.M., The Art and Archaeology of Ancient Greece (Cambridge, 2014): 166, FIG.3.33 (COLOUR OF I) Baumann, H., Greek Wild Flowers and plant lore in ancient Greece (Munich, 1993): 57, FIG.89 (COLOUR OF I) Beazley, J.D., Attic Black-Figure Vase-Painters (Oxford, 1956): 146.21, 686 Beazley, J.D., Paralipomena (Oxford, 1971): 60 Bentz, M. and Kästner, U. (eds.), Konservieren oder restaurieren, Die Restaurierung griechischer Vasen von der Antike bis heute, Beiheft zum Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum Deutschland III (Munich, 2007): 161, FIGS.1-2, PL.22 (PARTS OF I, COLOUR OF I AND PARTS OF I) Bernardini, P. et al. (eds.), Phoinikes Bshrdn, I Fenici in Sardegna, nuove acquisizioni (1997): 342-343 (PART OF I) Boardman, J., The history of Greek vases, potters, painters and pictures (London, 2001): FRONTISPIECE (I) Boardman, J., The triumph of Dionysos, Convivial processions, from antiquity to the present day (Oxford, 2014): 9, FIG.4 (COLOUR OF I) Bothmer, D. von, The Amasis Painter and his World (Malibu, 1985): 225, FIG.115 (A) Brun, J-P. et al. (eds.), Le Vin, Nectar des Dieux, Genie des Hommes, 2e edition (Gollion, 2009): 133, FIG.139 (COLOUR OF I) Bulletin de Correspondance Hellenique: 113 (1989) 263, FIG.2 (I, A) Bundrick, S.D., Athens, Etruria, and the Many Lives of Greek Figured Pottery (Madison, 2019): 94, FIGS.4.1-2 (A, I) Carpenter, T.H., with Mannack, T. and Mendonca, M., Beazley Addenda, 2nd edition (Oxford, 1989): 41 Carratelli, G.P. (ed.), I Greci in Occidente (1996): 203 (COLOUR OF I) Carratelli, G.P. (ed.), The Greek World, Art and Civilization in Magna Graecia and Sicily (New York and Milan, 1996): 203 (COLOUR OF I) Cartledge, P., Millett, P. und v. Reden, S. (eds.), Kosmos, Essays in order, conflict and community in classical Athens (Cambridge, 1998): 22-24, FIGS.3A-C (I, AH) Castoldi, M., Alberi di bronzo. Piante in bronzo e in metalli preziosi nell'antica Grecia (Bari, 2014): 90, FIG.35 (I) Cohen, B., The Colours of Clay, Special Techniques in Athenian Vases (Los Angeles, 2006): 45, FIG.1 (COLOUR OF I) Cook, R.M., Greek Painted Pottery (London, 1966): 170, FIG.30A (DRAWING OF A) Cook, R.M., Greek Painted Pottery 3rd ed. (London, 1997): 162, FIG.30A (DRAWING OF A) Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum: MUNICH, ANTIKENSAMMLUNGEN 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, BEILAGE 1.1, PLS.(3861,3862,3863,3864,1,2) 1.1-2, 2.1-3, 3.1-2, 4.1, 1.1, 2.1-2 View Whole CVA Plates Davidson, J.N., Courtesans and Fishcakes, The Consuming Passions of Classical Athens (London, 1997): PL.2 AT 166 (I) Dietrich, N., Figur ohne Raum? Bäume und Felsen in der attischen Vasenmalerei des 6. und 5. Jahrhunderts v. Chr., Image & Context 7 (Berlin, 2010): 80, FIG.60, 124, FIG.99 (I, UH, UF) Fullerton, M.D., Greek Art (Cambridge, 2000): 101, FIG.72 (COLOUR OF I) Furtwängler, A. and Reichhold, K., Griechische Vasenmalerei (Munich, 1904-32): I, 227, PL.42 (I, A, DRAWING OF B) Gagarin, M. (ed.), The Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Greece and Rome (Oxford, 2010): VOLUME 2, 432 (I) Gerhard, E., Auserlesene Vasenbilder (Berlin, 1840-58): I, PL.49 (COLOUR DRAWING OF I, DRAWINGS OF A AND UH) Giuliani, L., Image and myth, a history of pictorial narration in Greek art (Chicago, 2013): 245, FIG.60A-B (UH1 AND UH2) Guazzelli, T, Le Antesterie, Liturgie e pratiche simboliche (Florence): FIG.15 (I) Hamdorf, D., Dionysos, Bacchus, Kult und Wandlungen des Weingottes (Munich, 1986): 53, PL.1 (I) Hesperia, The Journal of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens: 81 (2012) 245, FIG.7B (PART OF I) Hockmann, O., Antike Seefahrt (Munich, 1985): 98, FIG.70 (I) Isler-Kerenyi, C., Dionysos in Archaic Greece, An Understanding through Images (Leiden, 2007): FIGS.104-107 (I, A, B) Kaza-Papageorgiou, K., The Ancient City Road and the Metro beneath Vouliagmenis Avenue (Athens, 2016): 36, FIG.54 (COLOUR OF I) Knauss, F.S. (ed.), Die unsterblichen Götter Griechenlands, Staatliche Antikensammlungen und Glyptothek München (Munich, 2012): 168 (COLOUR OF I) Knauss, F.S., Die Kunst der Antike, Meisterwerke der Münchner Antikensammlungen (Munich, 2017): 119-122 (COLOUR OF I, A, AND UH, FOOT) Lefkowitz, M., Greek Gods, Human Lives (New Haven and London, 2003): 51 (I) Lissarrague, F. et al. (eds.), Ceramique et peinture Grecques, Modes d'emploi, Actes du colloque internat., Ecole du Louvre, April 1995 (Paris, 1999): 180, FIG.6 (I) Lydakis, S., Ancient Greek Painting and its Echoes in Later Art (Athens, 2002): 89, FIG.68 (COLOUR OF I) MASCA: 1 (1981) 8, 254 (I) Mache, la battaglia del Mare Sardonio, catalogo della mostra, Oristano, Antiquarium Arborense, ottobre 1998-ottobre 1999 (Cagliari, 1999): 20, FIG.7 (COLOUR OF I) Mackay, E.A., Tradition and Originality, A Study of Exekias (Oxford, 2010): PLS.55-57, CHARTS 1.4, 2.2, 3.5 (I, F, UH, A, B, PARTS) Marconi, E. (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Greek and Roman Art and Architecture (Oxford, 2015): 564-568, FIGS.25.1-5 (PARTS OF A, B AND UH) Martens, D., Une esthetique de la transgression, le vase grec de la fin de l'epoque geometrique au debut de l'epoque classique (Brussels, 1992): 285, FIG.124 (A) Matijasic, R., and Bursic-Matijasic, K., Classical Pula and environs (Pula, 1996): 15 (COLOUR OF I) McGovern, P.E, Fleming, S.J and Katz, S.H. (eds.), The Origins and Ancient History of Wine (Amsetrdam, 1995): 234, FIG.15.1 (I) Merkouri, Ch. et al., Baskanos Ophthalmos, Symbola Mageias apo Idiotikes Archaiologikes Sylloges (Athens, 2010): 34, FIG.2 (COLOUR OF I) Metropolitan Museum Journal: 26 (1991) 56, FIG.8 (A) Moignard, E., Master of Attic Black-Figure Painting. The Art and Legacy of Exekias (London and New York, 2015): 114-115, figs.59-61 (A, UH1, UH2) Moignard, E., Master of Attic Black-Figure Painting. The Art and Legacy of Exekias (London and New York, 2015): PLATE 8 (COLOUR OF I), 103, FIG.47 (A) Morais, R., Centeno, R., and Freitas Ferreira, D. (eds.), Myths, Gods and Heroes. Greek Vases in Portugal – Mitos, Deuses e Heróis. Vasos Gregos em Portugal (Porto, 2022): I, 212, FIGS1-2 (COLOUR OF A AND I) Morford, M. et al., Classical Mythology, International Ninth Edition (Oxford, 2011): 321 (I) Neer, R.T., Art and Archaeology of the Greek World, a new history, c.2500-c.150 BC (London, 2012): 140, 144, FIGS.5.33, 5.40 (A, COLOUR OF I) Numismatica e Antichita Classiche, Quaderni Ticinesi: 18 (1989) 20, PL.4.11 (I) Oakley, J.H., A Guide to Scenes of Daily Life on Athenian Vases (Madison, 2020): 183, FIG.8.20 (UH2) Pallotino, M. et al., Les Etrusques e l'Europe (Paris, 1992): 52 (COLOUR OF I) Pallottino, M. (ed.), Die Etrusker und Europa, Paris 1992, Berlin 1993 (Milan and Paris, 1992): 52 (COLOUR OF I) Papers on the Amasis Painter and his World (Malibu, 1987): 110, FIG.10, 155, FIG.2 (I) Philipp, M. et al., Dionysos, Rausch und Ekstase (Munich, 2013): 41, FIG.1 (COLOUR OF I) Plantzos, D., Greek Art and Archaeology, c. 1100-30 BC (Athens, 2016): 92, FIG.136 (COLOUR OF I) Pomey, P. (ed.), La Navigation dans l'Antiquite (Aix en Provence, 1997): 45 (COLOUR OF I) Reusser, C. and Bürge, M. (eds.), Exekias hat mich gemalt und getöpfert, Ausstellung in der Archäologischen Sammlung der Universität Zürich, 9.11.2018-31.3.2019 (Zurich, 2018): 25-26, 67-68, 78, 108, FIGS.4-5, 21-22, 26, 61 (COLOUR OF A, I AND UH, A, I, UH, PROFILE) Reusser, C. and Bürge, M. (eds.), Exekias und seine Welt, Tagung an der Universität Zürich vom 1.–2. März 2019, Züricher Archäologische Forschungen 8 (Zurich, 2022): PLS.10B-C, 13A-B (COLOUR OF UH AND PARTS OF I) Sanchez Sanz, A., El poder naval de Grecia en el s.V a.C. (Zaragoza, 2015): 105, UNNUMBERED (I) Scheibler, I., Griechische Töpferkunst, Herstellung, Handel und Gebrauch der antiken Tongefässe, 2nd ed. (Munich, 1995): 27, FIG.21 (A) Schlesier, R. and Schwarzmaier, A. (eds.), Dionysos, Verwandlung und Ekstase (Berlin, 2008): 147, FIG.2 (COLOUR OF I) Shapiro, H.A., Art and Cult under the Tyrants in Athens (Mainz, 1989): PL.39B (I) Sicilia Antiqua, An International Journal of Archaeology: 4 (2007) 23, FIG.16 (I) Siracusano, A., Arte greca, un'interpretazione (Messina, 2009): 109, FIG.7 (I) Sparkes, B.A., The Red and the Black (London, 1996): 60, FIG.II.17 (I) Spathari, E., Sailing through time, the ship in Greek art (Athens, 1995): 97, FIG.109 (COLOUR OF I) Steinhart, M., Das Motiv des Auges in der griechischen Bildkunst (Mainz, 1995): PL.14 (I, A) Sweet, W.E., Sport and Recreation in Ancient Greece, A Source Book with Translations (Oxford, 1987): 166, PL.52 (I) Technau, W., Exekias (Leipzig, 1936): PLS.5-6 (I, A, AH) Tiverios, M.A., Elliniki techni, archaia angaia (Athens, 1996): 83, FIG.44 (COLOUR OF I) Vierneisel, K., and Kaeser, B. (eds.), Kunst der Schale, Kultur des Trinkens (Munich, 1990): 45, 81, 166-167, 319-320, 419, FIGS.3.23, 9.12, 27.4, 55.1, NO.9 Wachsmann, S., The Gurob ship-cart model and its Mediterranean context (College Station TX, 2013): 141, FIG.3.58 (PART OF I, REVERSED) Wallinga, H.T., Ships and Sea - Power before the Great Persian War, The Ancestry of the Ancient Trireme (Leiden, 1993): FIG.18 (I) Whitley, J., The Archaeology of Ancient Greece (Cambridge, 2001): 212, FIG.9.11 (I) Woodford, S., An Introduction to Greek Art. Sculpture and Vase Painting in the Archaic and Classical Periods. 2nd edition (London, 2015): 25, FIG.24 (COLOUR OF I)
CAVI Lemma: BF eye cup. From Vulci. Exekias. Third quarter sixth. 540-530.
CAVI Subject: Int.: Dionysus on the sea. A,B, each: by the handles: fight.
CAVI Inscriptions: On the reserved foot profile, in BG, widely spaced: Εχσεκιας εποεσε,
CAVI Number: 5206
AVI Bibliography: FR (1904–32), i, 227-30, pl. 42 (dr.), p. 227 (dr., inscription). —
[[Lullies–Hirmer (1953), pl. 8 top (sm.)]]. — ABV (1956), 146/21, 686. — Para.
(1971), 60. — Immerwahr (1984), 343. — Add.[2] (1989), 41 (much bibl). — AttScr
(1990), no. 143. — Cohen (1991), 56, fig. 8 (A).
CAVI / AVI Data from Henry Immerwahr's Corpus of Attic Vase Inscriptions (CAVI), updated by Rudoph Wachter's Attic Vase Inscriptions (AVI)
Image Credits: FURTWANGLER-REICHHOLD DRAWINGS: Please consult with Williams College Special Collections staff and Williams College Visual Resources Center staff, regarding questions about publishing and accessing materials from Williams College Special Collections. Researchers are responsible for handling any copyright issues that may be associated with collections and materials.