Publication Record: Beazley, J.D., Attic Red-Figure Vase-Painters, 2nd edition (Oxford, 1963): 1258.3 Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies: 46 (2002) PL.11D Carpenter, T.H., with Mannack, T. and Mendonca, M., Beazley Addenda, 2nd edition (Oxford, 1989): 355 Cavalier, O. (ed.), Silence et Fureur, La femme et le marriage en Grece, Les antiquites grecques du Musee Calvet (Avignon, ca.1997): 104, FIG.42 (BD) Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum: LONDON, BRITISH MUSEUM 6, III.I.C.6, PL.(365) 90.2 View Whole CVA Plates Crelier, M-C., Kinder in Athen im gesellschaftlichen Wandel des 5. Jahrhunderts v. Chr., Eine archäologische Annäherung (Remshalden, 2008): FIG.H2 (BD) Fantham, E. et al., Women in the Classical World, Image and Text (New York, 1994): 105, FIG.3.19 Jenkins, I. and Turner, V., The Greek Body (London, 2009): 20, FIG.13 (COLOUR) Jenkins, I. et al., Defining Beauty, The Body in ancient Greece (London, 2015): 151, UNNUMBERED (COLOUR OF BD) Lezzi-Hafter, A., Der Eretria-Maler, Werke und Weggefährten (Mainz, 1988): 174, FIG.56D (PROFILE) Pedley, J.G., Greek Art and Archaeology. Fifth Edition (London, 2011): 211, FIG.7.3 (COLOUR OF BD) Spivey, N. and Rasmussen, T. (eds.) Looking at Greek Vases (Cambridge, 1991): 24, FIG.5 (PART) Whittaker, H. (ed.), In Memoriam, Commemoration, Communal Memory and Gender Values in the Ancient Graeco-Roman World (Newcastle, 2011): 30, FIG.2.2 (BD)