9017928, ATHENIAN, New York (N.Y.), Metropolitan Museum, New York (N.Y.), private, D. von Bothmer, 2011.604.1.6608
- Vase Number: 9017928
- Fabric: ATHENIAN
- Technique: RED-FIGURE
- Shape Name: CUP, FRAGMENT
- Date: -500 to -450
- Inscriptions: Signature: [DO]RIS E[GRAPHSEN]
- Attributed To: TRIPTOLEMOS P by GUY
I: STOOL OR KLINE (SYMPOSIUM), PIPESCASE SUSPENDED - Last Recorded Collection: New York (N.Y.), Metropolitan Museum: 2011.604.1.6608
- Previous Collections:
- New York (N.Y.), private, D. von Bothmer
- Publication Record: Immerwahr, H., A Corpus of Attic Vase Inscriptions, Preliminary Edition (1998): 3122
- AVI Web: https://www.avi.unibas.ch/DB/searchform.html?ID=3291
- AVI Record Number: 3122
- CAVI Collection: Center Island, NY, Private.
- CAVI Lemma: Frs. of RF cup. Triptolemos Painter (Guy). First quarter fifth. Middle period
- CAVI Subject: Int.: a cushioned stool; end of a flute case. A: satyr attacking a maenad.
- CAVI Inscriptions: Int.: [Δο]ρις ε[γραφσεν].
- CAVI Comments: Four frs. For the `false' signature compare Berlin 2286, also by the
Triptolemos Painter. Tailed rho.
- CAVI Number: 3122
- AVI Bibliography: Guy (1981), 14 n. 70. — AttScr (1990), no. 522. — Robertson (1992), 304 n.
247 (cited from AttScr). — Buitron-Oliver (1995), 1-2.
- CAVI / AVI Data from Henry Immerwahr's Corpus of Attic Vase Inscriptions (CAVI), updated by Rudoph Wachter's Attic Vase Inscriptions (AVI)
Last updated 26/07/2024 19:30:00 by Parker, Greg. Created 28/11/2005 10:20:00 by Mannack, Thomas. Approved by Mannack, Thomas. Copyright © 2003-2025 Classical Art Research Centre, University of Oxford.
Link to this record using the address https://www.beazley.ox.ac.uk/record/88392403-9DCF-45C1-AEE9-3903D873384C