Comparanda: Raking sima from Rome, Via S. Gregorio (No. A22). Phillips 1989a, p. 287, compares to Late Archaic raking sima from Boni deposit IIB:1 (torus) & fabric of Group IIA revetment plaques
Remarks: Flat fascia painted gold, with black wheel, left 1/2 red, right 1/2 white. Lower thick torus, perforated lengthwise, decorated with pattern of halved lozenges painted red/white/light blue/dark blue. Soffit painted with a lozenge pattern in vermilion, dark crimson & light blue. Pattern painted over incised network. At left edge, beginning of flange.
Bibliography: Andrén 1940, p. 334, No. II:2
Publication record: Architectural terracottas from Etrusco-Italic Temples. Author: Andrén, A.. Place of publication: Lund/Leipzig. Publication Date: 1939-1940
Type of decoration: Painted wheel/lozenges
Last Recorded Collection: Antiquarium forense
Height: 16
Width: 27.5
Clay: 2.5Y 7/4
Paint: Gold 10YR 6/8, blue on torus & soffit 5BF 7/1, red, vermillion