Remarks: 2nd piece of same plaque with griffin hindquarters, cutout palmette at right edge. H base 5+. D (recessed) 2.2. At ridge tile open-work cresting.
Bibliography: Pensabene 1988, pp. 36-40
Publication record: Fregio fittile da Palestrina con grifomachia. Author: Pensabene, P.. Journal and volume number: Prospettiva 52. Publication Date: 1988. Pages: 36-40
Associated elements: Palestrina, Museo Archeologico Nazionale 8520
Type of decoration: Griffinomachy
Last Recorded Collection: Museo Archeologico Nazionale
Mouldmade: no
Height: 29.6
Width: 19.9
Paint: Skin yellowbrown 2.5Y 7/4 with pink inner thigh and stripes (////) as indication of hair on legs and left thigh.