Comparanda: Koch 1912, P138-166; Santa Maria a Capua Vetere; Firenze 72998; Berlin 7899; Copenhagen Ny Carlsberg H.94, H.95 (HIN 675, 676), H.191 (HIN 53); Copenhagen Nationalmuseum 32; Cairo, Musee Egyptien 26666
Remarks: Female head wearing diadem, in relief and tilting downward, with flat crown of hair, parted in center, with relief edge across forehead. Two strands of beaded locks alongside head, neck & chiton top, curling around discs below lotus petals flanking head. At left, pendent lotus. Below, recessed bottom border with painted meander. Back of plaque: hollow behind face, painted black. 2 oblique raised ridges (W 5.4, Th 3.4) from cover tile to outer edges painted with brown-black wash, including outer sides of plaque.
Bibliography: Koch 1912, pp. 56-57 & Pl. XXXIII.1
Publication record: Dachterrakotten aus Campanien. Author: Koch, H.. Place of publication: Berlin. Publication Date: 1912
Type of decoration: Female head wearing diadem framed by lotus
Last Recorded Collection: Museo dei Conservatori
Mouldmade: yes
Height: 38
Width: 38
Clay: 2.5YR 4/6
Paint: Cream slip over which thick cream paint on front 10YR 8/3; dark red 7.5R 3/4 diadem, area of background for pendent lotus; purple-red 5R 3/3 volute band above diadem, raised edges of lotus leaf, outline of calyx & disk & rays, chiton folds, necklace, ear outline, top of meander & pendent hooks; black hair, volute eyes, lotus inner part of leaf & calyx, meander bottom band & upright hooks