CAVI Lemma: BF Droop cup. Unattributed. Third quarter sixth. Ca. 540 (Cahn).
CAVI Subject: Handle zone: A: in the center, a chariot wheeling around; at left, a hoplite;
at right, a Scythian archer. B: chariot as on A betwen two hoplites.
CAVI Inscriptions: Handle zone: A, B, each: numerous nonsense inscriptions with imitation
letters: A: five inscriptions: to hoplite's lower left: 9 or 10 letters. Between
the hoplite's legs: 7 letters beginning with chi, retr. Between the hoplite's
head and the chariot's rear: 11 letters. Between the chariot and archer: 11-12
letters. Similar, to archer's right: 12(?) letters. B: similar inscriptions.
CAVI Comments: Several inscriptions seem to begin with chi.
CAVI Number: 2118
AVI Bibliography: M&M-Auction (1980), pl. 23/66 (A, B).
CAVI / AVI Data from Henry Immerwahr's Corpus of Attic Vase Inscriptions (CAVI), updated by Rudoph Wachter's Attic Vase Inscriptions (AVI)