Last Recorded Collection: Chambersburg (PA), Wilson College: 0.18A
Previous Collections:
London, market, Ede
Publication Record: Charles Ede, sale catalogue: POTTERY FROM ATHENS, I (1972), NO.24 (A) Ferrari Pinney, G. and Ridgway, B.S., Allentown Art Mus,eum Aspects of Ancient Greece, Pennsylvania (16.9-30.12.1979): 28, 29, NO.11 (A) Heesen, P., Athenian Little-Master Cups (Amsterdam, 2011): 205, FIG.114 (AH)
CAVI Collection: Chambersburg, PA, Wilson College 018A.
CAVI Lemma: Plain lip cup. Unattributed. Third quarter sixth.
CAVI Subject: A, B, each: no figured decoration mentioned.
CAVI Inscriptions: Handle zone: A, B, each: an inscription beween handle palmettes.
CAVI Comments: Mentioned in CVA, Netherlands 8, Allard Pierson Museum 2, pp. 49 or 50 as
having been attributed to the Tleson Painter by Fellmann, CVA, Munich 10, p. 28,
solely on the basis of script and palmettes.
CAVI Number: 3132
AVI Bibliography: BADB 5778. — Pinney–Ridgway (1979), 28/11 (A). — B. Fellmann, CVA Munich 10,
Germany 56 (1988), p. 28 (mention).
CAVI / AVI Data from Henry Immerwahr's Corpus of Attic Vase Inscriptions (CAVI), updated by Rudoph Wachter's Attic Vase Inscriptions (AVI)