Comparanda: 2678; Of equal fabric and probably from same roof as painted raking simas are: 2544bis, 2678, 5025, 2705, 2648, 2797, 2542, 5033
Remarks: Raking sima soffit fragment with painted guilloche and buds. Has flange equal to 2678 which suggests that it is the painted soffit of raking sima.
Bibliography: Romanelli 1948, p. 237, no. 49; Cataldi 1993, p. 214, no. 34, fig. 23 right; Scavo nello scavo 2004, pp. 79-80, no. I.e.12; Winter 2006c, p. 134, fig. 15
Publication record: Le terrecotte architettoniche arcaiche di Tarquinia: scambi e modelli. Author: Winter, N.A.. Journal and volume number: Tarquinia e le civiltà del Mediterraneo. Place of publication: Milano. Publication Date: 2006. Pages: 127-144 Scavo nello scavo. Gli Etruschi non visti. Author: Moretti Sgubini, A.M.. Place of publication: Viterbo. Publication Date: 2004 Tarquinia. Scavi e ricerche nell'area della città . Author: Romanelli, P.. Journal and volume number: NSc. Publication Date: 1948. Pages: 193-270 Terrecotte arcaiche e tardo-arcaiche da Tarquinia. Author: Cataldi, M.. Journal and volume number: Deliciae Fictiles. Place of publication: Stockholm. Publication Date: 1993. Pages: 207-220
Associated elements: Found with fragment of raking sima soffit with = decoration: 2705
Type of decoration: Painted guilloche and buds
Last Recorded Collection: Museo Archeologico Nazionale