Remarks: Fragment of female nude figure, flat on right side with 2 oblong openings for attachment to other element (raking sima?). Skin white with black lines to separate joints, define pubic area. Broken below possible right breast. On left side, elongated fin? Or drapery painted red with black edges. On back right side, section of hair or drapery painted red with 3 black stripes. Reclining on stomach or upright with drapery & mantle? Probably attached to raking sima as acroterion
Type of decoration: Swimming? nude? female figure
Last Recorded Collection: Antikensammlung
Mouldmade: no
Height: 5
Width: 9.5
MPD: 3.3
Clay: 10YR 7/6 but lighter
Paint: Cream skin 10YR 7/4, red 10R 4/4, black ground, stripes across left leg, stripes on back section of hair or drapery, edge of fin or drapery